28th Massachusetts Today
in New England, the recreated 28th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry is
a non-profit living history organization founded in 1984 for the
purpose of accurately portraying the life
of the common soldier in the
Union army. With nearly three decades of service, it is one of the
largest and longest serving Civil War reenactment units in the
Members outfit themselves with authentic federal uniforms and equipment
from the mid-war period, carry reproduction black powder weapons, and
camp in period issue tents. Together, they participate in battle
reenactments and living history events from early spring through late
A Long History
During the summer of 1983, a number of Revolutionary War reenactors
from the New England area began discussing the possibility of forming a
Civil War unit. Everyone warmed to the
idea quickly, but deciding on a regiment to portray presented a
somewhat thorny problem, since members of the group came from several
different states.
Ultimately, they settled on the 28th
Volunteer Infantry of the Irish Brigade, since research indicated that
the original regiment drew volunteers from all over the Northeast.
Beyond that, they were all fond of the Irish
characters who always seemed to play central roles in John Ford
When the recreated 28th first took the field
in the spring of
1984, its founders aimed to portray the regiment as it appeared on the
march during the pivotal Gettysburg campaign in the summer of 1863.
They must have gotten it right, because their unit attracted the
interest of numerous recruits. As the 28th Massachusetts began its
second decade of service, it was growing into one of the largest Civil
War reenactment units in the Northeast. By the late 1990s, it was
routinely fielding two solid companies at most events.
Into the 21st Century
While the unit has undergone a number of
changes over the
years, it remains the fundamentally sound military organization molded
by Maj. Steven Eames, one of 28th's founders and its original
commanding officer. A history
professor recognized throughout the hobby for his
knowledge of battlefield tactics, Maj. Eames came out of
"retirement" a few years ago to lead the regiment again. Thanks
to his insistence on
discipline in camp and long hours of drill, the
28th Massachusetts has earned its reputation as a well-trained
fighting unit.
The 28th Massachusetts is
currently comprised of more than 70 military members from eight states
- including five of the six New England states - and one Canadian
With a
strong nucleus of experienced reenactors in the ranks, ours is a unit
in which new recruits can learn a great deal about Civil War history
and army life - and even about themselves. The 28th hopes to recruit
enough men eventually to
portray the regiment as it appeared in mid-1863, with approximately 224
enlisted men and officers.
Although the 28th often takes the field as a
unit, it also joins ranks with other federal reenactors at larger-scale
regional and national battle events. The regiment is affiliated
nationally with the Mifflin
Guard and regionally with the
New England Brigade.