The Irish Experience in the Civil War (continued)
ehind the their surprisingly
strong pro-Union sentiment, the Irish were motivated to enlist by four
key factors:
- Obligation
to Their Adopted Land. Many
Irish leaders,
even though they had opposed Lincoln and his party before the war, felt
compelled to defend the constitutional integrity of the country that
had provided them asylum from tyranny and persecution at home. The
New York Irish-American called
on its readers "by the sacred
memories of the past, by your remembrance of the succor extended to
your suffering brethren, by the future hope of your native land
taking root... to be true to the land of your adoption in this crisis."
The Boston Pilot,
well aware of prejudice against
the Irish and staunchly anti-Republican in the 1850s, nonetheless urged
its Irish-Catholic readers in 1861 to "Stand by the Union; fight for
the Union; die by the Union." Whatever hardships they had enountered in
America, the Irish felt they had a debt to repay and their allegiance
to the government in its hour of need was one way to make good on it.
- Acceptance
in American Society. Many Irish
felt that
participation in the war offered an opportunity to overcome nativist
suspicions. They might prove that "although the Celts be hyphenated
Americans in name, they were one hundred percent Americans in deed." The
Boston Pilot looked toward the
day when future generations of Irish
could proudly say that "we too are Americans, and our fathers bled and
died to establish this country." They may have been overly optimistic
when they believed that Irish valor on the battlefield would erase
generations of ingrained prejudice, but in 1861, as the government
sought to rally every group in society around the flag, anything seemed
- The
Promise of a Free Ireland. Perceived
British support for the Confederacy naturally increased Irish support
for the North, many believing that the break-up of the United States
would only enhance England as a world power. Many of the Irish were
also convinced that if a war for the liberation of Ireland were ever to
be launched, America would be its logical base of operations and the
Civil War could provide valuable military experience for the men who
would obtain their homeland's freedom. Wrote one Irish-American poet:
"When concord and peace to this land are restored, and the union's
established forever, brave sons of Hibernia, oh, sheathe not the sword,
you will then have union to sever."
- Escape
from Poverty. Economic
dislocation caused by
the secession crisis hit the working classes hardest. Unemployed Irish
laborers and domestic servants often found enlistment in the Union army
to be the only alternative to starvation. These economic pressures
would ease as the war went on, but financial incentives to serve in the
military, later enhanced by the government with large enlistment
bonuses, would always have their greatest impact on impoverished
Northerners like the Irish.
Disillusionment with the War
While the Irish had many reasons to support
the Union cause,
their enthusiasm did not last. With the war entering its second year in
1863, it became very difficult for ethnic Irish units to attract new
recruits, and most Irish community leaders had turned against the war.
By then, Washington's purposes had come to
emancipation of slaves, a goal that Irish-Americans could not support
with the same zeal they had mustered in defense of the Union. Nor did
it appear that
the war would enhance opportunities for
the liberation of
Ireland, since so many Irishmen would have fought for that cause had
spilled their blood in an American war instead.
Boston Pilot lamented in 1863:
"We did not cause
this war, [but] vast numbers of our people have perished in it." The
newspaper declared that "the Irish spirit for the war is dead!... Our
fighters are dead." The New York draft riots of the same year brought
to a boil the simmering Irish resentment at sacrificing life and limb
to help free black slaves. While some Irish-Americans would continue to
enlist for service in the Union army, neither their numbers nor their
spirit would match the early days of the war.
There was nothing intrinsic about Irish
support for the
Northern cause. Those who settled in the South had no trouble accepting
the Confederacy's rationale for war. In many ways, in fact, it was
probably more natural for them. As a mostly rural people, the Irish
could readily defend the Southern way of life. They also saw secession
from the Union as analogous to Ireland's longing for freedom from
British rule. It didn't hurt that in the Confederacy, a cult of white
supremacy and continued black slavery would keep the Irish from
slipping to the lowest rung on the social ladder.
Nor did the Irish who remained in the old
country show any
strong allegiance to the Northern cause. Public opinion in Ireland was
overwhelmingly against Lincoln's attempt to preserve the Union by
force. The Irish back home abhorred the bloodshed, were hostile toward
Protestant abolitionists, resented Northern recruiting efforts in
Ireland, and were horrified at the idea of Irishmen fighting Irishmen
on American battlefields. All of these factors conspired to turn most
inhabitants of Ireland against the war in general, and the Union cause
in particular.
One of the few exceptions to this rule
was the sympathy
some of the more extreme Irish nationalists felt for the Union,
although they were clearly more interested in the fate of Ireland than
in the young republic across the ocean. They thrilled to the exploits
of Irish soldiers in the American Civil War, believing that the
reputation of all Irishmen benefited from the courage demonstrated by
such units as the Irish Brigade.
"It has restored the somewhat tarnished
military prestige of
our race," declared a Fenian-published newspaper, The
Irish People.
"It has restored the Irish people's weakened confidence in the courage
of their hearts and the might of their arms."
The nationalists also had hopes that in
tangible ways, the
war in America might ultimately lead to the liberation of Ireland. A
victorious North could supply arms and experienced Irish warriors to
throw off the British yoke. Like their countrymen in America, however,
the nationalists' hope faded as they watched their best fighters die on
American rather than Irish battlefields.

Adapted in part from
Lawrence F. Kohl's introduction to The Irish Brigade and Its Campaigns
by D.P.
Conyngham, originally published in 1867 and now reprinted in a
fascimile edition by Fordham University Press.