Enfield Rifle
he colorful history of the Irish Brigade is
closely associated with the weapon that most of its regiments carried
into battle: the .69 calibre M1842 Springfield smoothbore musket that
was introduced nearly two decades before the Civil War began. Brig.
Gen. Thomas F. Meagher is said to have preferred the outdated, less
accurate weapon because he wanted to ensure that his lads were close to
the enemy before firing, so they could then quickly charge with their

No matter what the
rationale, records
indicate that the three original regiments of the Irish Brigade - the
63rd, 69th and 88th New York - indeed carried the .69 caliber
Springfield smoothbore during the first three years of the war. It
wasn't until just before the Overland Campaign in the spring of 1864
that the old, outmoded weapon was exchanged for the modern .58 caliber
M1863 Springfield rifle.
By contrast, the 28th Massachusetts
Volunteer Infantry - which was organized in late 1861 and didn't join
the Irish Brigade until a year later - was, from the outset, equipped
with a newer, more accurate British-made rifle that was easily superior
to the Springfield smootbore and considered by some to be the best
rifled musket available. Not surprisingly, this weapon was much in
Shortly after the bombardment of Fort
Sumter, there was an acute shortage of firearms as states both North
and South prepared for war. Suitable weapons were desperately needed to
arm all of the newly forming Union and Confederate volunteer regiments,
and the small supplies available in the two sections of America quickly
ran out.
Gov. John Andrew of Massachusetts wasted no
time. On April 24, 1861, he dispatched Francis B. Crowninshield to
England as his primary negotiator for the purchase of as many weapons
as could be found to equip the volunteer troops that the Commonwealth
was then raising. Following the recommendation of master armorer
Charles McFarland of the Springfield Armory, Gov. Andrew directed
Crowninshield to buy 25,000 stands of arms, preferably something
comparable to the .58 caliber M1855 Springfield rifle - which McFarland
was unable to provide.
Carrying a letter of credit worth 50,000
British pounds, Crowninshield arrived in England on May 6, accompanied
by McFarland. They quickly went to work but were alarmed to discover
that an agent from the State of New York who had crossed over on the
same ship had already laid claim to nearly 40,000 Enfield rifles that
were on hand for immediate shipment. The Massachusetts team also faced
competition from agents representing both the Confederacy and other
Northern states.

Still, Crowninshield and
McFarland were able
to secure contracts for the manufacture and export of some 14,700
Enfield three-band "long" rifles to Massachusetts before the end of
1861. The Commonweath was able to purchase an additional 1,000 Enfield
rifles from the State of New York, and order another 5,680 from Britain
the following year.
Massachusetts also acquired 10,000 sets of
white leather British regulation infantry accoutrements, but since it
had stockpiled an ample supply of American-made accoutrements by the
time the British sets arrived, the Commonwealth sold about 6,000 of the
latter to other Northern states. It kept the rest and wound up issuing
them to several nine-month volunteer units raised in the summer of 1862.
Once the Enfields arrived at the docks in
Boston, the arms were put to immediate use. There were just enough to
equip about half of the Massachusetts volunteer infantry regiments
recruited by the end of 1861. The 28th was one of 14 three-year
volunteer units to be issued the imported weapons. The others were the
2nd, 7th, 10th, 12th, 13th, 16th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 25th
and 27th infantry regiments.
Stamping & Blueing
As state property, each of these firearms
was carefully stamped with a company letter, abbreviated regimental
designation, and rack or individual issue number on its brass
buttplate. For example, the buttplate of a rifle issued from rack #15
to a member of Co. H in the 28th Massachusetts would be stamped, from
left to right:
[screw hole] H
28TH MASS 15 [tang]
There are numerous surviving examples of
these Massachusetts issue rifles today. On some, the markings extend
around the corner of the buttplate and onto the tang.
Most Enfield rifles imported for use in the
American Civil War, including those purchased by Massachusetts, left
the shores of Britain with blueing (sometimes called "browning" in
period accounts) on the barrel and other iron parts. During the blueing
process, bare metal was cleaned, then a solution was swabbed on and
allowed to rust. The rust was then lightly carded off and the process
repeated as many as ten times. After polishing, the barrel of the
musket bore a dark, blue-black finish which proved remarkably durable
in the field, as the many period firearms still bearing it attest.
Although there is some debate about
whether blueing was in some cases removed for aesthetic reasons after
weapons were delivered, there is no evidence of an official program
either North or South to recondition imported rifles in this manner, at
least at the beginning of the war. In fact, the official Confederate
ordnance manual expressly prohibited removal of blueing. It stands to
reason that in the early days of the war, muskets were needed as
quickly as possible and authorities wouldn't stand for delaying the
delivery of weapons simply to improve their show and appearance.
On the federal side, it appears that
armories in Springfield and elsewhere did begin removing the blued
finish from imported Enfield rifles sometime after the middle of 1863.
By this time, however, there were plenty of Springfield rifles to
issue, and the late-arriving Enfields were being conditioned for use
primarily by rear echelon units, including the U.S. Colored Troops then
being recruited in large numbers.
While evidence of any official policy is
lacking, it appears that soldiers in some individual units, both Union
and Confederate - either on their own or upon orders from their
commanders - removed blueing after being issued their rifles. Chemicals
were available to do this, but it was apparently more common for men in
the field to scrape rammers or other metal objects along their rifle
barrels to take the finish off. This crude burnishing method was
prohibited by the official ordnance manuals, but many soldiers did it
Although no one knows for certain whether
most soliders in the 28th Massachusetts preferred a blued or bright
barrels on their issue Enfield riles, a letter written by a member of
the 10th Massachusetts to the Greenfield
Gazette & Courier
suggests at least one other regiment from the state favored blueing and
purposely left it on:
"Camp of the 10th Reg't Mass Volunteers,
Hampden Park, Springfield, July 10 [1861]:
....Friday morning the regiment marched to
the U.S. Armory and returned the muskets loaned them for the purpose of
drill, and in the afternoon we received our full supply of the Enfield
rifled musket. For this the Regiment may well thank our efficient
Colonel, whose influence has procured for us so fine an arm; whilst
other Regiments are obliged to take the guns we returned, (smooth bore
muskets of the old model.) The Enfield gun, purchased by the State in
England, though differing in many respects from the Springfield rifled
musket, is a handsome and no doubt serviceable weapon, and I think
fully equal to the Springfield arm. It is browned, so that no
burnishing is required to keep it from rusting, and a more correct aim
can be obtained in a bright sun than with a polished barrel."
The debate over how the men took their
Enfield rifles into the field is one of a number of unanswered
questions about the appearance of the original 28th Massachusetts
Volunteer Infantry. It also is not known, for example, whether the
regiment's soldiers wore state- or federal-issue buttons on their
coats, or if they ever used gaiters to support and protect their ankles
while marching long distances and through dense underbrush. Some day,
perhaps, additional research will provide the answers.

Based on an article
written by Don C.
Williams, with assistance from Geoff Walden.