Unassigned Recruits
The following individuals enlisted
in the 28th Massachusetts Infantry but were never assigned to
any one of the ten
companies. As such, none ever saw any actual service in the field
with the regiment. A quick perusal of the roster
indicates a variety of reasons for their absence. Some became
ill before they left the state and were discharged from the
service. Others volunteered for service in the U.S. Navy and were
transferred out of the regiment before they left
Boston. Still others deserted before ever reaching the regiment,
or simply were unaccounted for either due to mistakes in
record-keeping or more likely, desertion.
Roster of Unassigned Recruits
- Adams, John Q. Private. Newburyport,
21, butcher; enl. and
must. 3/26/1864; disch. 5/21/1864.
- Andrews, George. Private.
Nantucket, 23, sailor; enl. and
must. 4/11/1864; no further record.
- Andrews, Henry. Private.
Boston, 18, bookbinder; enl. and
must. 4/28/1864; no further record.
- Aotto, Joseph. Private. ---,
21, seaman; enl. and must. 4/20
1864; transf. to Navy, 5/17/1864. See U.S. Navy.
- Arrowsmith, Abraham. Private.
England, 21, seaman; enl. and
must. 3/30/1864; transf. to V.R.C., 1/9/1865; must. out 8/5/1865
as member of 100th Co., 2nd Battln., V.R.C.
- Atwood, Thomas. Private.
Portland, Me., 25, sailor; enl. and
must. 3/23/1864; no further record.
- Averston, John. Private.
Boston, 28, laborer; enl. and must.
3/28/1864; no further record.
- Avery, William. Private.
Woodstock, N.B., seaman; enl. and
must. 7/22/1864; no further record.
- Bailey, Charles. Private.
---, 22, mechanic; enl. and must.
4/12/1864; deserted 4/22/1864, from Galloup's Is., Boston Habor.
- Bales, Wiles Private. Boston,
32, carpenter; enl. and must.
4/22/1864; disch. 5/13/1864 by reason of transf. to Navy. No
record found in U.S. Navy.
- Baptiste, Jean. Private.
Stow, 21, laborer; enl. and must.
4/9/1864; disch. for disability, 4/18/1864. See U.S. Navy under
name "John Battiste."
- Barker, George. Private.
---, 24, sailor; enl. and must.
4/15/1864; transf. to Navy, 5/4/1864. See U.S. Navy.
- Barrett, James. Private.
England, 38, hostler; enl. and
must. 7/21/1864; died of disease, 10/3/1864 at City Point, Va.
- Bauer, Charles. Private.
Greenfield, 22, merchant; enl. and
must. 7/20/1864; must. out 7/20/1865.
- Bedell, Charles G.L. Private.
---, 22, collector; enl. and
must. 4/11/1864; reported died 5/16/1864.
- Bell, Henry. Private. Troy,
N.Y., 36, laborer; enl. and
must. 4/26/1864; no further record.
- Bolton, Charles. Private.
Sandwich, 21, seaman; enl. and
must. 4/4/1864; transf. to Navy, 5/17/1864. See U.S. Navy.
- Bonaventura, Lorenz. Private.
Boston, 22, clerk; enl. and
must. 4/16/1864; no further record.
- Bordes, Henry. Private. Boston,
39, laborer; enl. and must.
7/30/1864; no further record.
- Bowen, George W. Private.
Boston, 25, cook; enl. and must.
4/11/1864; no further record.
- Brady, Thomas. Private. Baltimore,
Md., 21, miller; drafted
and must. 8/10/1863; returned to duty from hosptl. at Alexandria
Va., 11/10/1863; no further record.
- Brannin, Michael. Private.
Chelsea, 18, laborer; enl. 10/15/
1862, must. 10/16/1863; deserted 11/3/1862; arrested 7/30/1864;
tried by Genl. Court Martial; confined at Ft. Delaware, Del.,
1/11/1865; dishonorably disch., 7/3/1865. Name also borne as
"Michael Brannon."
- Breslin, John. Private. Hamilton,
Canada; 24, horse jockey;
enl. and must. 7/26/1864; no further record.
- Briohn, John. Private. Boston,
32, tailor; enl. and must.
11/21/1864; no further record.
- Britton, Charles. Private.
Hudson, N.Y., 21, sailor; enl.
and must. 5/23/1864; deserted 5/31/1864.
- Britton, Isaac. Captain.
Milford, 34, conductor; comm. 10/8
1861; must. ---; resigned and disch. 12/2/1862, by S.O. #603.
- Brower, John. Private. New
York, N.Y., 32, seaman; enl. and
must. 3/18/1864; deserted while en route to regt.; no date
- Brown, Henry W. Private.
---, 21, seaman; enl. and must.
4/22/1864; transf. to Navy, 5/17/1864. See U.S. Navy.
- Brown, John. Private. Mifflin,
Pa., 21, farmer; enl. and
must. 3/30/1864; no further record.
- Brown, Samuel. Private. Boston,
35, seaman; enl. and must.
4/14/1864; transf. to Navy, 5/17/1864. See U.S. Navy.
- Brown, Thomas. Private. Albany,
N.Y., 22, butcher; enl. and
must. 5/1/1864; no further record.
- Brutt, August. Private. Boston,
30, attendant; enl. and must
7/29/1864; no further record.
- Bryan, Patrick. Private.
Boston, 34, sailor; enl. and must.
3/23/1864; reported transf. to Navy. No record in U.S. Navy.
- Burghart, Robert. Private.
Boston, 28, artist; enl. and
must. 7/25/1864; deserted 11/15/1864 while on furlough from
- Burke, John. Private. Wayland,
21, seaman; enl. and must.
4/4/1864; transf. to Navy, 5/17/1864. See U.S. Navy.
- Burke, Patrick. Private.
Boston, 31, sailor; enl. and must.
3/23/1864; made application for transf. to Navy; no record in
U.S. Navy.
- Burnie, Thomas. Private.
---, 26, mariner; enl. and must.
3/26/1864; transf. to Navy, 4/23/1864. See U.S. Navy.
- Burns, James. Private. New
York, 25, seaman; enl. and must.
7/20/1864; no further record.
- Cane, Thomas. Private. Canada,
30, seaman; enl. and must.
7/19/1864; no further record.
- Carmier, Edward. Private.
Boston, 21, sailor; enl. and must.
3/21/1864; no further record.
- Carpenter, Pierre. Private.
Boston, 26, laborer; enl. and
must. 4/25/1864; in hospl. at Andersonville, Ga. with disease,
12/29/1864; transf. to Rebel Recruiting Officer, 1/23/1865;
no further record.
- Carroll, William. Private.
Boston, 28, baker; enl. and must.
8/23/1862; no further record.
- Chombard, Louis. Private.
Boston, 25, cook; enl. and must.
4/27/1864; captured at Charles City Cross Roads, Va.; escaped
May 1865; must. out 3/16/1866, to date 6/30/1865 while serving
with Co. D.
- Clancey, John. Private. Boston,
22, machinist; enl. and
must. 8/17/1864; no further record.
- Clark, James. Private. New
York City, 23, sailor; enl. and
must. 4/15/1864; no further record.
- Coffee, John M. Private.
Boston, 30, shoemaker; enl. and
must. 6/16/1864; no further record.
- Colburn, George. Private.
Chelsea, 40, seaman; enl. and must
3/21/1864; disch. for disability, 4/15/1864.
- Coleman, Michael. Private.
Boston, 22, laborer; enl. and
must. 4/26/1864; disch. for disability, 5/18/1864.
- Connors, John. Private. New
York, 33, laborer; drafted and
must. 7/28/1863; disch. for disability, 5/18/1864.
- Conoly, Peter. Private. Portland,
Me., 25, boiler maker;
enl. and must. 3/4/1864; deserted 3/19/1864 while en route to
his Regt.
- Conway, Michael. Private.
---, 33, laborer; enl. and must.
10/16/1862; no further record.
- Curley, John. Private. Roxbury,
31, sailor; enl. and must.
3/21/1864; transf. to Navy, 4/23/1864. See U.S. Navy.
- Curry, William. Private.
Boston, 21, teamster; enl. and must
9/19/1862; no further record.
- Dailey, George. Private.
Boston, 26, printer; enl. and must.
10/8/1862; deserted 10/13/1862.
- Dann, John W. Private. Bellport,
N.Y., 25, laborer; enl. and
must. 5/13/1864; no further record.
- Dawson, George. Private.
Syracuse, N.Y., 23, machinist; enl.
and must. 4/13/1864; no further record.
- Day, Thomas. Private. Boston,
21, seaman; enl. and must.
10/22/1862; no further record.
- Delmer, Henry. Private. Salem,
21, seaman; enl. and must.
7/19/1864; deserted 8/20/1864.
- Derush, Andrew J. Private.
Raynham, 37, farmer; enl. and
must. 3/25/1864; disch. for disability, 4/15/1864. Also had
service with Co. I, 5th N.H. Inf.
- Devine, John. Private. ---,
21, paper stainer; enl. and must
4/4/1864; deserted 4/23/1864 at Galloup's Is., Boston Harbor.
- Doherty, Patrick. Private.
---, 28, laborer; enl. and must.
11/23/1864; sentenced by Genl. Court Martial, 2/20/1865 to
penitentiary at Albany, N.Y.
- Donahue, Bernard. Private.
Canton, Ill., 25, teamster; enl.
and must. 4/4/1864; deserted 4/30/1864.
- Dono, Bec. Private. New York
City, 22, baker; enl. and must.
5/4/1864; no further record.
- Dorson, John. Private. Montreal,
Canada, 22, carpenter; enl.
and must. 3/26/1864; deserted 4/8/1864 while en route to regt.
- Doyle, James. Private. ---,
29, sailor; enl. and must. 4/13/
1864; transf. to Navy, 5/17/1864. See U.S. Navy.
- Dronny, Mathias. Private.
---, 30, shoemaker; enl. and must.
9/4/1862; no further record.
- Duffy, John. Private. Plymouth,
44, sailor; enl. 8/16/1862,
must. 8/20/1862; disch. for disability, 10/15/1862.
- Dugal, Thomas. Private. Chelsea,
21, laborer; enl. and must.
5/11/1864; no further record.
- Dupon, Victor. Private. Boston,
26, shoemaker; enl. and
must. 4/27/1864; no further record.
- Edwards, Charles. Private.
New York City, 23, blacksmith;
enl. and must. 4/25/1864; no further record.
- Edwards, Joseph. Private.
Springfield, 28, butcher; enl.
and must. 6/25/1864; no further record.
- Fairbanks, James. Private.
Boston, 28, tanner; enl. and
must. 3/11/1864; deserted 3/19/1864 while en route to regt.
- Fairley, Thomas. Private.
Boston, 25, tailor; enl. 8/11/1862
must. 8/13/1864; no further record.
- Farren, James. Private. Fairhaven,
34, cotton spinner; enl.
and must. 3/24/1864; disch. 4/15/1864.
- Farrow, Henry. Private. ---,
22, sailor; enl. and must. 4/9/
1864; transf. to Navy, 5/17/1864. See U.S. Navy.
- Ferguson, Matthew. Private.
Toronto, Canada, 25, clerk; enl.
and must. 3/21/1864; disch. 4/22/1864 by reason of transf. to
Navy. No record found in U.S. Navy.
- Fisher, Alexander. Private.
Springfield, 21, druggist; enl.
and must. 7/18/1864; deserted 8/20/1864 at Galloup's Is., Boston
- Fisher, Calvin. Private.
West Cambridge, 23, seaman; enl.
and must. 4/5/1864; disch. 4/21/1864.
- Fisher, George L. Private.
West Cambridge, 21, seaman; enl.
and must. 3/5/1864; transf. to Navy, 5/17/1864. See U.S. Navy.
- Fitzgerald, Michael. Private.
Boston, 21, laborer; enl. and
must. 3/24/1864; no further record.
- Fletcher, John. Private.
Wayland, 29, laborer; enl. and
must. 4/8/1864; transf. to Navy, 5/17/1864. See U.S. Navy.
- Flynn, James. Private. Northfield,
Vt., 21, laborer; enl.
and must. 4/26/1864; no further record.
- Foy, William H. Private.
Kalamazoo, Mich., 22, sailor; enl.
and must. 3/18/1864; transf. to Navy, 5/17/1864. See U.S. Navy.
- Franklin, George. Private.
Salem, 36, seaman; enl. and must.
7/26/1864; turned over to Navy as a deserter, 12/25/1864; no
further record.
- Graham, Ross P. Private.
Berkshire, Vt., 35, farmer; enl.
and must. 3/31/1864; deserted 4/18/1864.
- Grennin, Francis. Private.
Sterling, 30, mariner; enl. and
must. 4/8/1864; transf. to Navy, 5/17/1864. See U.S. Navy.
- Grevenhorst, William. Private.
New York City, 28, soldier;
enl. and must. 4/15/1864; no further record.
- Groves, George D. Private.
Kingston, R.I., 23, bootmaker;
enl. and must. 3/26/1864; must. out 7/21/1865.
- Gunsalus, Henry. Private.
Albany, N.Y., 28, laborer; enl.
and must. 4/20/1864; no further record.
- Hartnett, Daniel. Private.
Boston, 32, laborer; enl. and
must. 8/14/1862; no further record.
- Hayden, Charles R. Private.
New York City, 28, painter; enl.
and must. 6/24/1864; no further record.
- Hayes, Dennis. Private. Ireland,
28, laborer; enl. and must.
7/11/1864; no further record.
- Hayes, Jeremiah. Private.
---, 32, moulder; enl. and must.
8/19/1862; disch. for disability, 12/17/1862.
- Henry, Samuel. Private. Philadelphia,
Pa., 23, laborer; enl.
and must. 6/25/1864; no further record.
- Henry, William. Private.
St. John, N.B. Canada, 28, seaman;
enl. and must. 4/11/1864; transf. to Navy, 5/13/1864. Service
not identified at the Navy Department.
- Henshaw, Benjamin. Private.
---, 22, mariner; enl. and must.
3/29/1864; transf. to Navy, 4/23/1864. See U.S. Navy.
- Hester, James. Private. Boston,
40, laborer; enl. and must.
9/21/1864; disch. for disability, 10/27/1864 at Galloup's Is.,
Boston Harbor.
- Higgins, Peter. Private.
New Jersey, 23, laborer; drafted
and must. 8/10/1863; deserted 8/23/1863.
- Hobbs, Joseph. Private. Groveland,
21, joiner; enl. and
must. 4/2/1864; transf. to Navy, 5/17/1864. See U.S. Navy.
- Hogan, John. Private. Boston,
32, laborer; enl. and must.
9/5/1862; no further record.
- Holdorf, Jacob. Private.
Greenwich, 26, tailor; enl. and
must. 3/24/1864; transf. to Navy, 4/23/1864. See U.S. Navy.
- Holmes, Thomas G. Private.
---, 24, musician; enl. and must.
3/28/1864; deserted 4/20/1864 at Galloup's Is., Boston Harbor.
- Holmes, William. Private.
Boston, 28, nailer; enl. and must.
8/19/1862; no further record.
- Horne, Henry. Private. ---,
18, sailor; enl. and must. 1/5/
1864; rejected 1/7/1864.
- Horne, William. Private.
Boston, 23, gilder; enl. and must.
5/17/1864; deserted 6/1/1864 while en route to regt.
- Hughes, John. Private. Boston,
22, plasterer; enl. and must.
10/27/1862; no further record.
- Husband, H. Michael. Private.
Providence, R.I., 24, boatman;
enl. and must. 7/18/1864; deserted 8/20/1864.
- Hutchins, John. Private.
Dorchester, 21, farmer; enl. and
must. 4/4/1864; transf. to Navy, 5/17/1864. See U.S. Navy.
- Irwin, George. Private. Chelsea,
23, seaman; enl. and must.
3/26/1864; transf. to Navy, 4/23/1864. See U.S. Navy.
- Jackson, James. Private.
Pittsburg, Pa., 22, shoemaker; enl.
and must. 7/19/1864; no further record.
- Jackson, William. Private.
Boston, 25, farmer; enl. and must
4/26/1864; no further record.
- Jager or Jasper, William.
Private. New York, 40, weaver;
drafted and must. 8/11/1863; deserted 9/13/1863.
- Johnson, George. Private.
Sterling, 21, mariner; enl. and
must. 4/8/1864; disch. for disability, 4/18/1864.
- Johnson, John. Private. ---,
22, sailor; enl. and must. 4/8/
1864; transf. to Navy, 5/17/1864. See U.S. Navy.
- Johnston, William. Private.
Boston, 22, clerk; drafted and
must. 8/10/1863; no further record.
- Joice, Anthony. Private.
Boston, 23, iron worker; enl. and
must. 9/15/1862; no further record.
- Jones, William. Private.
New Bedford, 31, sailor; drafted
and must. 8/11/1863; no further record.
- Keeler, James. Private. New
York City, 19, brakeman; enl.
and must. 3/9/1864; no further record.
- Keene, Edward. Private. Boston,
26, gardener; enl. and must.
7/19/1864; delivered at Alexandria, Va., 8/11/1864; no further
- Keller, Charles. Private.
Boston, 27, baker; enl. and must.
10/31/1864; disch. for disability, 11/18/1864.
- Kelley, John. Private. New
York City, 18, sailor; enl. and
must. 4/22/1864; no further record.
- Kelley, Michael. Private.
Massachusetts, 38, tailor; enl.
8/12/1862; must. 8/13/1862; no further record.
- Kelly, James. Private. Salem,
22, laborer; enl. and must.
7/19/1864; deserted 8/20/1864.
- Kenney, Cornelius. Private.
Boston, 29, laborer; enl. and
must. 1/12/1865; disch. for disability, 1/26/1865. Originally
enl. in Co. E, 28th Mass. Inf. 8/19/1862 and transf. to V.R.C.
- Kent, Redmund. Private. ---,
22, laborer; enl. and must.
4/25/1864; no further record.
- King, John. Private. New
York, 22, machinist; drafted and