Roll of Honor
According to the official report
of the Adjutant General, 404 men of the 28th Massachusetts died
while in service. This
includes 231 killed and mortally wounded, 34 missing in action,
89 died by accident or disease, and 50 who died as
prisoners of war. But the real toll of the war will never be known.
The list that follows is taken from the official records
and only contains those men who died while in the service of the
United States. Many others were discharged due to their
wounds and likely succumbed to the effects of these injuries within
a few weeks or months afterwards. Even more were
discharged on account of disability, usually suffering from the
effects of a debilitating illness that may also have resulted
in death. The rank and company identification shown below are
those held at the time of the soldier's death. To find a
soldier on the rosters located elsewhere on this web page, check
the company designation in parentheses.
Men of the 28th Massachusetts
Killed or Mortally Wounded in Action
- Commanding Officers
- Byrnes, Richard. Colonel. Cold Harbor.
(serving as brigade commander)
Lawler, Andrew J. Major. Spottsylvania.
- Company A
- Cochrane, William F. Captain. Spottsylvania.
Parker, Thomas J. 1st Lieutenant. Hatcher's Run.
- Beado, Albert. Private. Hatcher's Run.
Callahan, Patrick. Private. Chantilly.
Casey, William. Private. 2nd Bull Run.
Clark, Thomas. Private. Fredericksburg.
Cooley, John. Private. Gettysburg.
Curtin, Francis. Private. Cold Harbor.
Donahue, Thomas. Private. 2nd Bull Run.
Dugree, Charles. Private. Spottsylvania.
Ellis, Joel E. Private. Antietam.
Gillespie, James. 1st Sergeant. Deep Bottom (Co. E).
Grattan, Vincent O. Private. Hatcher's Run (Co. C).
Heagin, James A. Private. 2nd Bull Run.
Houregan, John. Sergeant. Chantilly (?).
Hunt, Thomas. Private. Fredericksburg.
Kelly, John. Private. Spottsylvania.
Kent, Timothy. Private. Chantilly.
Lahey, William. Private. Antietam.
Lynch, William. Corporal. Antietam.
McCole, Patrick. Private. Chantilly.
McLaughlin, James. Corporal. Fredericksburg.
Madden, Bernard. Private. Fredericksburg.
Mason, Peter. Private. Hatcher's Run.
Owens, John. Private. Cold Harbor.
Perte, Joseph. Private. Reams' Station.
Phillips, James. Private. Chantilly.
Richardson, Elias H. Private. Hatcher's Run (Co. C).
Riley, Patrick. Corporal. Chantilly.
Sullivan, Daniel. Private. Hatcher's Run (Co. C).
- Company B
- Smith, Charles V. Captain. Wilderness
(Co. I).
- Campbell, Thomas. Private. Hatcher's Run.
Conley, Timothy. Private. Antietam.
Conway, Daniel. Private. Fredericksburg.
Corkery, Timothy. Sergeant. Chantilly.
Crowley, Daniel. Corporal. Fredericksburg.
Foley, Patrick. Private. Gettysburg.
Gleason, George A. Private. Wilderness.
Gray, Henry. Sergeant. Chantilly.
Hogan, John. Private. Antietam.
Johnson, Edward E. Private. Fredericksburg.
Jordan, Charles C. Spottsylvania.
Kaine, Benedict F. Private. Wilderness.
Kelley, William. Private. Wilderness.
Leary, Timothy. Private. Chantilly.
McIntire, John. Corporal. James Island.
Manning, Bernard. Private. Wilderness.
Meehan, Charles. Private. Chantilly.
Murphy, John. Private. Hatcher's Run.
O'Key, Thomas. Private. Hatcher's Run.
Piper, Edwin A. Private. Spottsylvania.
Riley, Patrick. Private. Fredericksburg.
Smith, John. Private. Wilderness.
Snyder, Asa. Private. 2nd Bull Run.
- Company C
- Flynn, William H. 2nd Lieutenant. 2nd
Bull Run.
- Ahern, John. Private. Wilderness.
Allen, John. Private. Hatcher's Run (Co. F)
Brannon, Owen. Private. Hatcher's Run.
Burke, John. Private. Cold Harbor.
Cahill, James. Private. 2nd Bull Run.
Clark, William A. Private. Wilderness.
Coffey, Michael J. Sergeant. 2nd Bull Run.
Collins, Garrett. Private. 2nd Bull Run.
Connellon, William. Private. Spottsylvania.
Connery, Daniel. Sergeant. Fredericksburg.
Crowley, William. Private. Wilderness.
Curley, Patrick. Private. Spottsylvania.
Curtis, James. Private. Po River.
Cusick, John. Private. Petersburg.
Dawson, Anthony E. Private. Hatcher's Run.
Donnelly, Michael J. Corporal. 2nd Bull Run.
Hanley, Daniel. Private. Chantilly.
Hickey, John. Private. Gettysburg.
Kennedy, Timothy. Private. Fredericksburg.
Kilroy, John. Corporal. James Island.
King, John G. Private. Wilderness.
McCarthy, Charles. Private. James Island.
McGrane, Edward. Private. 2nd Bull Run.
McNally, Robert. Sergeant. Antietam.
McNamara, Michael A. Sergeant. Po River.
Murphy, Dennis. Private. 2nd Bull Run.
Murphy, James. Private. James Island.
Murphy, John. Private. Fredericksburg.
Norwood, George. Private. Cold Harbor.
Nulty, John. Private. Antietam.
O'Neill, William. Corporal. 2nd Bull Run.
O'Sullivan, Morty S. Private. Spottsylvania.
Price, Peter. Sergeant. Gettysburg.
Roach, John. Private. Fredericksburg.
Teeling, James. Corporal. James Island.
Watson, Robert. Private. Po River.
Wheeler, Thomas. Private. Hatcher's Run.
- Company D
- Alcorn, Andrew. Private. Fredericksburg.
Bates, Nicholas. Private. Charles City Cross Roads (m.i.a).
Bennett, Osmond. Private. Cold Harbor.
Craden, John. Private. Gettysburg.
Denney, Robert. Private. Hatcher's Run (Co. H)
Dolan, William. Private. Chantilly.
Doyle, Michael. Private. Wilderness (Co. E).
Dunn, John. Private. Spottsylvania.
Fitzgerald, Patrick. Private. Wilderness.
Fitzpatrick. John. Sergeant. Chantilly.
Gallagher, Hugh. Private. James Island.
Hibbetts, James. Corporal. Chantilly.
Leroux, Louis. Private. Petersburg.
Martin, Michael. Corporal. Hatcher's Run.
Mooney, Edward. Sergeant. Gettysburg.
Morrison, Lawrence. Private. Fredericksburg.
Mullen, Bernard. Private. 2nd Bull Run.
Murphy, Jeremiah. Private. James Island.
O'Grady, William. Private. Gettysburg (m.i.a.)
Quinn, Martin. Corporal. Antietam.
Quinn, Michael. Private. Antietam.
Roth, Albert. Corporal. Hatcher's Run.
Sheehey, John. Private. Gettysburg.
Slattery, Cornelius. Private. Fredericksburg.
Toomey, Timothy. Private. Wilderness.
Turcotte, Joseph. Private. Petersburg (m.i.a.)
- Company E
- West, James B. 1st Lieutenant, Cold Harbor.
- Allen, Stephen H. Private. Fredericksburg.
Barnes, John. Private. Company E. Fredericksburg (m.i.a).
Bartlett, William J. Private. Wilderness.
Conway, Henry. Private. Fredericksburg (m.i.a).
Donovan, Timothy. Private. James Island.
Ferguson, Miles C. Private. 2nd Bull Run.
Goonan, James. Corporal. 2nd Bull Run.
Green, William. Private. Antietam (m.i.a).
Hollihan, William. Private. James Island.
Johnson, Hiram. Private. Spottsylvania (?)
Keating, Michael. Private. Chantilly.
Kelley, Edward. Private. Cold Harbor.
Lynch, Thomas. Private. Fredericksburg.
McNall, James. Private. 2nd Bull Run.
Mahoney, Dennis. Private. Fredericksburg.
Murray, John. Private. Spottsylvania.
Peterson, Charles. Private. Hatcher's Run.
Sheedy, Joseph. Corporal. Gettysburg.
- Company F
- Burke, John. Private. Antietam.
Burke, William. Private. Antietam.
Daley, James. Private. 2nd Bull Run.
Daley, Michael. Private. 2nd Bull Run.
Durant, Bartholomew. Private. 2nd Bull Run.
Evans, William A. Private. Spottsylvania.
Farmiloe, George H. Sergeant. Wilderness.
Hodgedon, Oliver L. Sergeant. 2nd Bull Run.
Hurley, Thomas. Sergeant. 2nd Bull Run.
Kelly, Peter. Private. Fredericksburg.
Lavis, George. Private. Wilderness.
Leary, John. Corporal. Gettysburg.
Looby, Thomas. Private. 2nd Bull Run.
Miller, August. Private. Mine Run (Auburn, Va.)
Mitchell, Patrick. Private. Chantilly.
Nason, Hiram. Sergeant. Spottsylvania.
Pray, William H. Private. 2nd Bull Run (m.i.a).
Reinbeck, Earnest. Private. Fredericksburg.
Shaffer, Henry. Private. Chantilly.
Tighe, James. Private. Cold Harbor.
Tripp, Amos F. Private. Fredericksburg.
Tyter, David. Private. Chantilly.
Whiting, Ebenezer. Private. Cold Harbor.
- Company G
- Barrett, Alexander. 2nd Lieutenant. Chantilly.
Weller, Edwin J. 2nd Lieutenant. Fredericksburg.
- Carey, William. Private. James Island.
Caswell, John. Private. Gettysburg.
Davis, Robert. Private. Wilderness.
Doherty, John. Private. Deep Bottom.
Dwight, Charles C. Private. James Island.
Finn, James A. Sergeant. Wilderness.
Fitzpatrick, John. Sergeant. Petersburg (m.i.a).
Gilfoy, Francis. Private. Deep Bottom.
Hoben, Patrick. Private. 2nd Bull Run.
Hummel, Peter. Private. Spottsylvania.
Kelly, Patrick. Corporal. Kelly's Ford, Va.
Keneally, John. Private. Cold Harbor.
Kennedy, James. Private. Fredericksburg.
McDeavitt, Henry. Private. 2nd Bull Run.
Murphy, Peter. Private. Spottsylvania.
Nicholson, Francis N. Private. Antietam.
Norton, Edward. Private. Chantilly.
O'Toole, Charles. Private. Spottsylvania.
Ritter, John. Private. Spottsylvania.
Ronan, Thomas. Sergeant. Gettysburg.
Shields, Thomas. Private. Fredericksburg.
- Company H
- Barrett, Nicholas J. 2nd Lieutenant. Antietam.
- Blanchard, Thomas. Private. Chantilly.
Carroll, Thomas. Corporal. Fredericksburg.
Cline, Thomas. 1st Sergeant. Antietam.
Doherty, Neill, Private. Fredericksburg.
Donnelly, Peter. Corporal. Antietam.
Dwyer, Timothy. Private. Fredericksburg.
Flood, Patrick. Private. Cold Harbor (?)
Holden, James. Teamster. Fredericksburg.
Kelley, Patrick. Private. Gettysburg.
McCugh, James. Private. Wilderness.
McLain, Michael. Private. Chantilly (?)
Meagher, John F. Private. Chantilly.
Murphy, Cornelius. Private. 2nd Bulll Run.
O'Donnell, William. Corporal. Fredericksburg.
Schofield, William H. Private. 2nd Bull Run.
Sheehey, William. Private. James Island.
Short, James. Private. Chantilly.
Spencer, Michael. Private. 2nd Bull Run (Co. C).
Toomey, Eugene. Private. James Island.
Valentine, William L. Private. Spottsylvania (m.i.a).
- Company I
- Magner, James. Captain. Spottsylvania.
- Barbor, Julius. Private. Cold Harbor.
Bazin, Joseph G. Private. Wilderness.
Blanchard, Pierre. Private. Cold Harbor.
Britt, William. Sergeant. 2nd Bull Run.
Canary, John. Private. Wilderness.
Collins, John. Private. 2nd Bull Run.
Dolan, Michael. Private. Antietam.
Fleming, Thomas. Private. Antietam.
Goodwin, James. Private. Chantilly.
Gracey, David. Private. Wilderness.
Hogan, John. Corporal. James Island.
McCafferty, James. Private. Fredericksburg.
McCarty, Timothy. Private. Fredericksburg.
McLaughlin, Lawrence. Private. Petersburg.
Maguire, Patrick. Private. Gettysburg.
Murphy, Thomas. Private. James Island.
Purcell, John. Sergeant. Deep Bottom.
Russes, Louis. Private. Cold Harbor.
Sherman, George L. Private. Spottsylvania.
Tunks, George. Corporal. Fredericksburg.
Wiseman, Robert. Private. Antietam.
- Company K
- McIntire, James A. Captain. Wilderness.
Nolan, Patrick. Captain. Deep Bottom.
Holland, William. 2nd Lieutenant. Fredericksburg.
Sullivan, John. 2nd Lieutenant. Fredericksburg.
- Berry, Jeremiah. Private. Wilderness (m.i.a).
Coakley, William. Private. Petersburg.
Coine, Patrick. Private. 2nd Bull Run.
Delaney, Richard. Private. James Island.
Donovan, Cornelius. Private. Fredericksburg.
Farrell, Edward. Private. Cold Harbor.
Foley, William. Private. 2nd Bull Run.
Gibbons, Barney. Private. Chantilly.
Gibbons, John. Private. James Island.
Hand, William. Corporal. Fredericksburg.
Hogan, Patrick. Private. Fredericksburg.
Horrigan, Dennis. Private. Wilderness.
Kenny, Patrick. Corporal. Spottsylvania.
Kenny, Thomas T. Private. 2nd Bull Run.
McDonald, John J. Sergeant. James Island.
Maguire, James. Private. Wilderness (m.i.a).
Manning, John. Private. Fredericksburg.
Roche, Patrick. Private. Spottsylvania (m.i.a).
O'Shea, Daniel. Sergeant. Deep Bottom.
Sullivan, Patrick C. Private. Chantilly.
Walters, Charles. Private. Petersburg.
Welsh, Peter. Sergeant. Spottsylvania.
- Died By Accident or Disease
- Boyle, Hugh P. 1st Lieut. Company D. May
31, 1862, Hilton Head, S.C.
Kaine, Anthony. Quarter Master Sergt. (Co. G), Hilton Head, S.C.
- Barnes, Michael. Private. Company D. July
6, 1864, Boston.
Barry, James. Private. Company I. Nov. 18, 1864, City Point, Va.
Barry, Patrick. Private. Company H. June 7, 1862, Hilton Head, S.C.
Barry, Thomas J. Private. Company H. May 11, 1863, Washington, D.C.
Blair, Abel M. Private. Company I. Mar. 9, 1863. Convalesc. Camp, Va.
Bryant, Richard R. Private. Company I. June 10, 1862, Hilton Head, S.C.
Clancey, James. Private. Company F. Dec. 12, 1862, Falmouth, Va.
Coady, James. Private. Company I. Feb. 19, 1865. Alexandria, Va.
Coakley, Patrick. Private. Company H (Co. C). Mar. 7, 1862, N.Y.
Collins, Patrick. Private. Company F. Aug. 6, 1862, Aquia Creek, Va.
Connor, John. Private. Company B. Nov. 8, 1863, Washington, D.C.
Connors, John. Private. Company B. July 6, 1864, Washington, D.C.
Deland, Curtis. Private. Company C. Apr. 13, 1864, Annapolis, Md.
Doherty, John. Private. Company C. Mar. 28, 1862, Hilton Head, S.C.
Doyle, William. Corporal. Company D. Feb. 28, 1862, Hilton Head, S.C.
Drew, Asa. Company A (C). Mar. 7, 1865, Bristol, Pa.
Dugan, John. Private. Company A. July 10, 1862, Hilton Head, S.C.
Farmer, Patrick. Private. Company B. July 18, 1864, Beverly, N.J.
Farwell, James. Private. Company B. June 14, 1862, James Island, S.C.
Fay, Henry. Private. Company E. July 30, 1862, Newport News, Va.
Fay, Thomas H. Corporal. Company C. June 14, 1862, James Island, S.C.
Finnegan, Peter. Private. Company A. Aug. 1, 1862, Newport News, Va.
Flanagan, Bernard. Private. Company F. Oct. 10, 1862, Ft. Monroe, Va.
Flynn, John. Private. Company D. July 4, 1862, James Island, S.C.
Frizell, John W. Corporal. Company I. May 18, 1862. S.C.
Gallagher, James. Company B. Aug. 9, 1862, Aquia Creek, Va.
Goulding, Charles. Corporal. Company E. Jan. 29, 1863, Philadelphia.
Graham, Patrick. Private. Company D. July 4, 1862, Hilton Head, S.C.
Grover, Elbridge. Private. Company I. July 11, 1864, division hosptl.
Hackett, Thomas. Private. Company H. Aug. 22, 1863, Annapolis, Md.
Haley, James. Private. Company A. Nov. 16, 1864, Washington, D.C.
Harrington, Timothy. Sergeant. Company K. Mar. 11, 1863.
Hill, Lewis. Private. Company I. Nov. 19, 1864, Washington, D.C.
Hoar, Michael. Private. Company G. July 12, 1862, Hilton Head, S.C.
Howe, John. Private. Company B. Nov. 26, 1863, Germanna Ford, Va.
Johnson, Thomas. Private. Company G. Nov. 5, 1864, Washington, D.C.
Kane, Patrick. Private. Company K. Dec. 7, 1862, Alexandria, Va.
Kay, John. Private. Company A (Co. F). Apr. 29, 1865, Washington, D.C.
Keleher, Thomas. Private. Company E (Co. K). July 30, 1865.
Kelsey, Thomas. Corporal. Company A. April 2, 1864, Wilmington, De.
Kitson, Patrick. Private. Company G. Aug. 20, 1862, on U.S. transport.
Landraches, George. Private. Company E (Co. H). Dec. 17, 1864, Washtn.
Langley, Hamilton. Private. Company A (Co. C). Dec. 24, 1864, N.H.
Lee, John. Private. Company G. Oct. 1, 1864, Annapolis, Md.
Logan, Luke. Private. Company A. April 9, 1862, Savannah River.
Loring, Amos A. Private. Company B. Oct. 1, 1864 on transport ship.
Lyons, John. Private. Company D. July 27, 1862, Newport News, Va.
MacConnell, Patrick. Private. Company D (Co. H), May 19, 1865, Salem, Ma.
McCalla, Robert. Private Company G. Oct. 11, 1864, City Point, Va.
McCloskey, Robert J. Private. Nov. 4, 1864 at City Point, Va.
McFarlane, John T. Private. Company A. Dec. 16, 1862, Lynn, Mass.
McGue, Nicholas. Private. Company D. Apr. 11, 1862, Hilton Head, S.C.
McGuire, Patrick. Private. Company G. Feb. 9, 1862, New York.
Maynard, Stephen. Private. Company C. July 25, 1864, City Point, Va.
Martel, Jule. Private. Company E. Feb. 20, 1865, Baltimore, Md.
Martin, John. Corporal. Company E. Feb. 20, 1865, Baltimore, Md.
Messenger, William. Private. Company G. Sept. 25, 1864, Petersburg.
Monahan, John. Private. Company B. June 3, 1862, Hilton Head, S.C.
Newman, Rudolph. Private. Company G. June 4, 1864, Baltimore, Md.
Nolan, Dominick. Private. Company A. May 29, 1862.
Noonan, Jeremiah. Private. Company C. Oct. 5, 1863 en route to regt.
Noonan, William. Private. Company C. Sept. 7, 1864, Washington, D.C.
O'Brien, Patrick. Private. Company G. July 8, 1862, Beaufort, S.C.
O'Donnell, Hugh. Private. Company C. Aug. 30, 1862, Beaufort, S.C.
O'Donnell, Patrick. Private. Company I. Sept. 12, 1864, railroad.
O'Neal, Andrew. Private. Company I. Oct. 25, 1862, Pleasant Val., Md.
Peabody, William W. Private. Company H. Dec. 18, 1864, Fairfax, Va.
Phalen, John. Private. Company A. Aug. 14, 1862 on Potomac River.
Rogers, William. Private. Company F. July 5, 1862, James Island, S.C.
Russell, William. Company C. April 22, 1865, Washington, D.C.
Sevre, John. Private. Company H. June 3, 1864, Washington, D.C.
Sheehan, Edward. Private. Company B. Nov. 17, 1863, Washington,D.C.
Shine, Thomas. Private. Company K. Nov. 14, 1862, Alexandria, Va.
Slade, Henry. Private. Company E. July 6, 1862, Beaufort, S.C.
Smith, George W. Private. Company B. Nov. 17, 1864, City Point, Va
Smith, James C. Private. Company K. Dec. 15, 1862, Convales. Camp.
Smith, Thomas. Private. Company F. Sept. 29, 1862, Ft. Monroe, Va.
Smith, William. Private. Company H. Sept. 21, 1864, Annapolis, Md.
Sullivan, Florence. Private. Company E. Oct. 23, 1863, Annapolis, Md.
Sullivan, John. Private. Company H. Dec. 7, 1863, Annapolis, Md.
Sweeney, Michael. Private. Company I. Aug. 13, 1862, Potomac River.
Thomas, Edward. Private. Company F. May 1, 1862, S.C.
Wagner, Frederick. Private. Company I. Feb. 1, 1864, Alexandria, Va.
Wallace, James. Private. Company A. Oct. 1, 1864, Washington, D.C.
Welch, James. Private. Company D. July 4, 1862, James Island, S.C.
Whitney, Benjamin F. Private. Company F. Dec. 2, 1864, Annapolis, Md.
- Died as Prisoners of War
- Arm, Adolph. Private. Company A. Nov.
22, 1863.
Armstrong, George. Private. Company A. Oct. 11, 1864.
Cannon, James. Private. Company K. Dec. 1, 1863.
Cantin, Henry. Corporal. Company A (F). Dec. 2, 1864.
Coughlin, Michael. Sergeant. Company A. Nov., 1863.
Coyle, Michael. Private. Company F. Feb. 22, 1865.
Crowley, Michael. Private. Company D. Dec. 11, 1863.
Crowley, William. Private. Company K. Jan. 18, 1865.
Cunningham, Thomas. Private. Company D. Oct. 30, 1864.
Daley, John. Private. Company F. Apr. 28, 1864.
Doherty, William. Private. Company A. Sept. 1, 1863.
Dotey, John M. Private. Company C (F). Nov. 5, 1864.
Folley, John. Private. Company F. n.d.
Garvey, Andrew. Private. Company H. Sept. 14, 1863.
Goodwin, John F. Corporal. Company I. Oct. 29, 1863.
Gray, Charles. Private. Company D. Sept. 16, 1864.
Hart, John. Private. Company D. June 25, 1864.
Hart, John. Private. Company G. July 18, 1864.
Hoey, Lawrence. Private. Company G. Jan. 22, 1865.
Howden, Thomas. Private. Company B. Aug. 31, 1864.
Hynes, Terrence. Private. Company C (K). Oct. 23, 1864.
Keefe, John. Private. Company G. Feb. 11, 1865.
Kelly, John. Corporal. Company A. Nov. 3, 1864.
Kilroy, Michael. Private. Company H. Dec. 5, 1864.
Langley, Lauren F. Sergeant. Company B (E), Jan. 28, 1865.
Lynskey, Dennis. Private. Company E, Nov. 28, 1864.
McGann, Thomas. Private. Company A. Dec. 31, 1864.
McGuerty, Patrick. Private. Company I. Dec. 28, 1863.
McNamee, John. Private. Company C. July 12, 1862.
McNeil, Thomas. Private. Company C (K). Jan. 10, 1865.
Marchut, Charles. Private. Company F. Aug. 29, 1864.
Marshall, John. Private. Company A. Dec. 18, 1863.
Millen, Patrick. Private. Company B. June 24, 1862.
Morris, Robert. Private. Company F. May 10, 1864.
Murphy, John. Private. Company A. Oct. 16, 1864.
Parmenter, John A. Private. Company G. Mar. 19, 1865.
Piper, Charles F. Private. Company G. Aug. 9, 1864.
Radigan, John. Private. Company B. Feb. 1, 1865.
Ripp, Joseph. Private. Company A. Aug. 19, 1864.
Robinson, George W. Private. Company I. Apr. 8, 1864.
Rousseau, Alexander. Private. Company I. July 14, 1864.
Schules, John. Private. Company H. Oct. 6, 1864.
Shanley, John. Private. Company D. Jan. 17, 1864.
Stevens, Henry. Private. Company F. Sept. 6, 1864.
Sweeney, James. Sergeant. Company H. Mar. 13, 1864.
Sullivan, Mark. Private. Company A. March 11, 1864.
Twomay, John. Private. Company E. July 18, 1864.
Ware, Nicholas N. Private. Company A. n.d.
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