Company K
Company K was recruited in
the fall of 1861, and originally known as the "Mayhew Guards."
A large number (74 men) of the original members of this company
came from the boot- making factories of Milford, Massachusetts.
Most of the remainder came from the vicinity of Boston. The first
commander of Company K was John J. Cooley, a 34-year old boot
treer from Milford, Massachusetts. Cooley commanded for only four
months before resigning of April 4, 1862 at Hilton Head, S.C.
Company K was discontinued at the end of 1864 when the 28th Massachusetts
was re-designated as a 5-company battalion. Most of the surviving
members of this company were transferred to Company C at that
Four enlisted men from Company
K were commissioned from the ranks as officers during their term
of service. John Maher of Boston enlisted as a Private in September
1861, was promoted and served as Sergeant from December 1862 until
May 22, 1864, when he was promoted to 1st Lieutenant of Company
C. He served in this capacity until the end of the war. Patrick
Nolan of Milford enlisted as Wagoner for Company K and was promoted
to 1st Sergeant and then 1st Lieutenant in 1863 before finally
receiving promotion to the position of Captain of Company K in
May 1864. He was killed in action on August 14, 1864 at Deep Bottom,
Virginia. Sergeants William Holland and John Sullivan, both of
Milford, Massachusetts, were commissioned as 2nd Lieutenants during
1862 before losing their lives at Fredericksburg at the end of
that year.
A total of 120 enlisted men
served in Company K during the three years of its existence in
the field. Of this number, 18 men were killed in action, 5 died
by accident or disease, and 2 died as prisoners of war. This adds
up to a total of 25 men or 21% of the entire company.
This particular company stands
out from the rest for two reasons. First, it sustained the highest
number of company officers killed or mortally wounded of any other
company in the regiment. This includes the loss of two lieutenants
at Fredericksburg, as well as Captains James McIntire and Patrick
Nolan. Company K also is distinctive in that it was the color
company for the regiment from its formation in 1861 until its
few survivors were merged with Company C at the end of 1864. This
was usually the most hazardous duty when under fire from the enemy,
and at least two of its members, Sergeants John McDonald and Peter
Welsh, are known to have fallen mortally wounded in battle carrying
the regimental colors.
Roster of Company K
- Ahern, John. 1st Lieutenant.
Milford, 28, boot treer; comm.
- 12/3/1861, must. 12/13/1861;
resigned and disch. to date, 9/23/
- 1862.
- Baker, Ezra C. Private. Barnstable,
18, sailor; enl. and
- must. 2/29/1864; wounded
6/22/1864 at Petersburg, Va.; must. out
- 7/22/1865 as member of Co.
- Barrett, John. Private. Milford,
25, bootmaker; enl. and
- must. 3/30/1864; wounded
5/5/1864 at Wilderness, Va. disch. for
- wounds, 12/10/1864.
- Baxter, Barney. Private.
Milford, 30, bootmaker; enl. 9/20/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; wounded
9/1/1862 at Chantilly, Va.;
- disch. for wounds, 2/27/1863
at Washington, D.C.
- Berry, Jeremiah. Private.
North Brookfield, 25, laborer;
- enl. and must. 3/26/1864;
missing since 5/5/1864 at Wilderness,
- Va.; no further record. Had
prior service in Co. H, 3rd N.Y.
- Inf.
- Brigdale, James. Private.
Milford, 36, bootmaker; enl. 10/13
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; disch.
for disability, 4/20/1863 at
- Falmouth, Va. Later served
in Co. B, 57th Mass. Inf.
- Brigdale, Patrick. Private.
Milford, 30, bootmaker; enl. and
- must. 1/3/1862; deserted
1/3/1862 at Camp Cameron, Cambridge,
- Mass.
- Brock, Peter. Private. Milford,
19, bootmaker; enl. 9/26/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; wounded
7/3/1863 at Gettysburg, Pa.;
- disch. for wounds, 4/21/1864
at Boston as Corpl.
- Brown, George G.M. Private.
Milford, 37, boot treer; enl.
- and must. 8/18/1862; re-enlisted
1/1/1864; must. out 6/30/1865
- as member of Co. C.
- Brown, Warren W. Private.
Boston, 25, stonecutter; enl. and
- must. 8/23/1862; deserted
- Cannon, James. Private. Milford,
18, bootmaker; enl. 10/1/
- 1861, must. 12/23/1861; wounded
6/16/1862 at James Island, S.C.;
- and 12/13/1862 at Fredericksburg,
Va.; disch. for wounds, 3/30/
- 1863 at Convalescent Camp,
- Cannon, James. Private. Milford,
28, bootmaker; enl. and
- must. 1/8/1862; captured
7/3/1863 at Gettysburg, Pa.; died
- of disease as a prisoner
of war, 12/1/1863 at Richmond, Va.
- Cherry, Peter. Private. Milford,
26, bootmaker; enl. 12/26/
- 1861, must. 1/3/1862; disch.
for disability, 6/1/1862 at Hilton
- Head, S.C. Later served in
Co. E, 2nd Mass. Heavy Arty.
- Coakley, William. Private.
Boston, 30, carpenter; enl. 10/7/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; re-enlisted
1/1/1864; wounded 6/16/1864
- at Petersburg, Va.; died
of wounds, 6/29/1864 at Annapolis, Md.
- Coffey, Martin. Private.
Milford, 23, hostler; enl. and
- must. 1/3/1862; deserted
1/10/1862 at Cambridge, Mass.
- Coine, Patrick. Private.
Wareham, 32, iron worker; enl.
- 12/19/1861, must. 12/23/1861;
killed 8/30/1862 at 2nd Bull Run,
- Va.
- Condon, Maurice. Private.
Abington, 26, bootmaker; enl.
- 12/13/1861, must. 1/8/1862;
wounded 9/1/1862 at Chantilly, Va.;
- disch. for wounds, 3/9/1863
at Convalescent Camp, Va.
- Conley, Patrick. Private.
Boston, 20, painter; enl. and
- must. 2/25/1864; disch. for
disability, 2/20/1865 at Petersburg,
- Va. as member of Co. C.
- Cooley, John. Private. Milford,
22, bootmaker; enl. and
- must. 12/13/1861; disch.
for disability, 6/22/1862. See V.R.C.
- under name "John J.
- Cooley, John J. Captain.
Milford, 24, boot treer; comm.
- 12/3/1861, must. 12/13/1861;
resigned and disch. to date, 4/4/
- 1862 at Hilton Head, S.C.
Later served in Co. A, 57th Mass. Inf.
- Cotton, Dennet. Private.
Lewiston, Me., 27, laborer; enl.
- and must. 3/7/1864; wounded
5/12/1864 at Spottsylvania, Va.;
- transf. to V.R.C., 1/10/1865;
must. out 7/31/1865 as member of
- Co. C, 14th V.R.C.
- Crawford, John. Private.
Milford, 35, shoemaker; enl 9/24/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; wounded
6/16/1862 at James Island, S.C.;
- disch. for disability, 8/29/1862.
Later served in Co. E, 2nd
- Mass. Heavy Arty.
- Crowley, Stephen. Private.
---, 22, ---; enl. 12/28/1861,
- must. 1/3/1862; deserted
9/16/1862 at Antietam, Md.
- Crowley, William. Private.
Boston, 19, carpenter; enl.
- 12/28/1861, must. 1/3/1862;
wounded 11/29/1863 near Mine Run,
- Va. as Corpl.; captured 8/16/1864
at Charles City Cross Roads,
- Va.; died a prisoner of war,
1/18/1865 at Salisbury, N.C.
- Curley, Thomas. Private.
Milford, 36, bootmaker; enl. 10/30/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; wounded
9/1/1862 at Chantilly, Va.; and
- 7/3/1863 at Gettysburg, Pa.;
prom. Corpl., 9/1/1863; re-enlisted
- 1/1/1864; wounded 5/5/1864
at Wilderness, Va.; disch. for
- disability, 8/19/1865 as
member of Co. C.
- Curley, William. Private.
Milford, 21, bootmaker; enl. and
- must. 8/11/1862; captured
5/3/1863 at Chancellorsville, Va.;
- paroled at City Point, Va.,
5/15/1863; reported at Parole Camp,
- Annapolis, Md. on 5/16/1863;
no further record.
- Curry, William. Private.
Milford, 27, blacksmith; enl.
- 9/30/1861, must. 12/13/1861;
wounded 12/13/1862 at Fredericks-
- burg, Va.; disch. for wounds
3/30/1863, Convalescent Camp, Va.
- Daley, John. Corporal. Milford,
34, bootmaker; enl. and
- must. 8/12/1862; wounded
12/13/1862 at Fredericksburg, Va.;
- disch. for wounds, 2/25/1863
at Washington, D.C.
- Daley, Michael. Private.
Roxbury, 44, laborer; enl. 12/21/
- 1861, must. 12/23/1861; disch.
for disability, 6/1/1862 at
- Hilton Head, S.C.
- Delaney, Richard. Private.
Milford, 26, bootmaker; enl. and
- must. 1/9/1862; killed 6/16/1862
at James Island, S.C.
- Dennesey, Jeremiah. Private.
Boston, 43, laborer; enl. and
- must. 3/8/1864; wounded 5/5/1864
at Wilderness, Va.; transf. to
- V.R.C. 10/19/1864 as member
of Co. C.; disch. to date 5/27/1865
- as member of Co. E, 7th V.R.C.
- Devlin, Henry. Corporal.
Milford, 19, bootmaker; enl. 9/24/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; deserted
- Dignan, Patrick. Private.
Hopkinton, 40, bootmaker; enl.
- 9/21/1861, must. 12/13/1861;
wounded 9/14/1862 at South
- Mountain, Md.; disch. for
wounds, 11/14/1862. Later served in
- Co. D, 26th Mass. Inf.
- Dillon, Patrick. Private.
Milford, 40, bootmaker; enl.
- 10/23/1861, must. 12/13/1861;
disch. for disability, 2/4/1863
- at Convalescent Camp, Va.
Later served in Co. A, 57th Mass.
- Inf. Mortally wounded serving
in 57th Mass. at Spottsylvania,
- Va. 5/12/1864.
- Doherty, Cornelius. Private.
Boston, 35, tailor; enl. 10/8/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; disch.
for disability, 3/11/1863. See
- V.R.C.
- Donahoe, James. Private.
Milford, 37, bootmaker; enl. 10/23/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; wounded
12/13/1862 at Fredericksburg,
- Va.; disch. for disability,
3/13/1863. Later served in Co. E,
- 2nd Mass. Heavy Arty.
- Dondican, John. Private.
Boston, 22, laborer; enl. and must.
- 4/25/1864; prom. Corpl.,
5/25/1864; must. out 6/30/1865 as
- member of Co. C.
- Donovan, Cornelius. Private.
Boston, 19, laborer; enl.
- 10/28/1861, must. 12/23/1861;
wounded 12/13/1862 at Fredericks-
- burg, Va.; died of wounds,
12/16/1862 at Falmouth, Va.
- Donovan, Thomas. Private.
Milford, 24, bootmaker; enl. and
- must. 2/16/1864; captured
8/25/1864 at Reams' Station, Va.;
- exchanged 11/26/1864; disch.
3/1/1865 at Petersburg, Va. as
- member of Co. C.
- Doyle, Andrew H. Private.
Milford, 34, bootmaker; enl. 9/20/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; wounded
6/16/1862 at James Island, S.C.
- a Corpl.; and 12/13/1862
at Fredericksburg, Va.; transf. 1/5/
- 1864 to V.R.C.; must. out
12/13/1864 as Sergt. of 89th Co., 2nd
- Battln., V.R.C.
- Doyle, John. Private. Milford,
30, bootmaker; enl. 9/19/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; transf.
to V.R.C., 1/21/1864; must. out
- 12/12/1864 as member of Co.
C, 24th V.R.C.
- Dugan, Daniel. Private. Milford,
28, bootmaker; enl. 9/19/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; re-enlisted
1/1/1864; disch. for
- disability, 12/25/1864.
- Dugan, James. Private. Boston,
28, bootmaker; enl. and must.
- 1/3/1862; wounded 12/13/1862
at Fredericksburg, Va.; re-enlisted
- 1/2/1864 as Corpl.; must.
out 6/30/1865 as member of Co. C.
- Dunn, Cornelius. Private.
Boston, 40, clerk; enl. 10/7/1861,
- must. 12/13/1861; disch.
for disability, 6/1/1862 at Hilton
- Head, S.C.
- Farrell, Edward. Private.
Saxonville, 35, carpenter; enl.
- 10/19/1861, must. 12/13/1861;
wounded 9/1/1862 at Chantilly,
- Va.; and 6/3/1864 at Cold
Harbor, Va.; died of wounds, 6/12/
- 1864 at Alexandria, Va.
- Ferguson, James. Private.
Milford, 29, bootmaker; enl.
- 9/30/1861, must. 12/13/1861;
wounded 7/3/1863 at Gettysburg,
- Pa.; re-enlisted 3/9/1864;
wounded 5/18/1864 at Spottsylvania,
- Va.; absent without leave
from hospital, 10/31/1864 at
- Readville, Mass. as member
of Co. C.
- Finn, Martin. Private. Milford,
40, bootmaker; enl. 9/30/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; wounded
12/13/1862 at Fredericksburg,
- Va.; disch. for disability,
3/30/1863 at Convalescent Camp, Va.
- Later served in Co. E, 2nd
Mass. Heavy Arty.
- Fitzsimmons, Andrew. Private.
Cambridge, 30, laborer; enl.
- and must. 12/13/1861; wounded
7/3/1863 at Gettysburg, Pa.;
- transf. to V.R.C. date not
shown; re-enlisted 5/7/1864; must.
- out 12/23/1865 as member
of 36th Co., 2nd Battln. V.R.C.
- Flaherty, Michael. Corporal.
Milford, 19, bootmaker; enl.
- 9/30/1861, must. 12/13/1861;
deserted 8/21/1862 at Warrenton
- Junction, Va. a Private.
See also service in U.S. Navy under
- name "Michael Murray."
- Foley, Peter. Private. Milford,
30, bootmaker; enl. 9/19/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; deserted
8/21/1862; arrested 3/8/1864
- and forwarded to 28th Mass.
3/31/1864; no further record.
- Foley, William. Private.
Milford, 36, carpenter; enl. 9/24/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; wounded
6/16/1862 at James Island, S.C.;
- killed 8/30/1862 at 2nd Bull
Run, Va.
- Freeman, Andrew. Private.
Lowell, 18, shoemaker; enl. and
- must. 8/14/1862; re-enlisted
1/1/1864 as Corpl.; wounded 5/12/
- 1864 at Spottsylvania, Va.;
must. out 6/30/1865 as member of
- Co. C.
- Gibbons, Barney. Private.
Milford, 37, bootmaker; enl. 9/21/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; killed
9/1/1862 at Chantilly, Va.
- Gibbons, John. Private. Cambridge,
18, laborer; enl. 12/21/
- 1861, must. 12/23/1861; killed
6/16/1862 at James Island, S.C.
- Gilgan, Michael. Private.
Milford, 23, bootmaker; enl. and
- must. 8/12/1862; disch. to
date, 12/19/1864.
- Gray, Cornelius. Private.
Cambridge, 28, laborer; enl. and
- must. 12/13/1861; prom. Corpl.
in Nov. or Dec. 1862; must. out
- 12/19/1864 as a Private.
- Griffin, John. Private. Dorchester,
22, bootmaker; enl.
- 9/21/1861, must. 12/13/1861;
wounded 9/1/1862 at Chantilly, Va.;
- disch. for wounds, 2/18/1862
at Convalescent Camp, Va.
- Griffin, Thomas. Private.
Dorchester, 21, laborer; enl.
- 12/26/1861, must. 1/3/1862;
wounded 12/13/1862 at Fredericks-
- burg, Va.; prom. Sergt.,
9/1/1863; re-enlisted 1/1/1864; wounded
- 5/5/1864 at Wilderness, Va.;
deserted 9/3/1864 from McClellan
- Hospital at Philadelphia,
- Guilbride, John. Private.
Worcestor, 43, boot treer; drafted
- and must. 7/20/1864; transf.
to V.R.C. 3/24/1865; must. out 8/1/
- 1865 as member of Co. H,
10th V.R.C.