Company I
Company I was recruited during
the autumn of 1861, and most of its initial membership mustered
into service on December 13, 1861. Most of the men of this company
were originally recruited from Boston, with particularly large
contingents coming from Roxbury, Cambridge, and Jamaica Plain.
The first commander was Captain George F. McDonald, a Boston actor
who served only until April 2, 1862, at which point he resigned
from the service. Altogether, a total of 126 men served in Company
I between December 13, 1861 and the end of 1864, at which point
it was consolidated with the remnants of Company E as part of
the 5- company battalion then being organized for the regiment's
final months of service.
Four men from Company I were
commissioned from the ranks as officers. Most notable among these
was Patrick W. Black, a 28-year old law student who had served
previously with the 9th Massachusetts-- another Irish regiment,
as a Sergeant. He was immediately commission as 2nd Lieutenant
upon his enlistment with the regiment in March of 1862, and within
two months, he was promoted to 1st Lieutenant, and then Captain.
He finished the war as Captain of Company D and Brevet Major U.S.
The remaining three men who
attained commissioned ranks enlisted at the formation of the regiment
in 1861. James O. Carruthers was a 19-year old clerk when he enlisted
as a Sergeant in the 28th. He was promoted to 1st Sergeant of
Company I in May, 1862, and then commissioned 2d Lieutenant in
July. By December, he had attained the rank of 1st Lieutenant
of Company D. He was discharged for disability in August 1863.
Charles V. Smith was a clerk from Northampton when he enlisted
as a Corporal. Just before being wounded at Antietam, he was promoted
to Sergeant. The day after the assault at Fredericksburg, he was
commissioned 2nd Lieutenant from Sergeant Major. The following
June, he was commissioned Captain of Company B. He was mortally
wounded at the Wilderness the following year. Charles P. Briens,
a 24-year old Jamaica Plain bootmaker enlisted as a Sergeant and
was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in 1862, but resigned soon
Of the 126 men who served in
Company I between 1861 and 1864, some 15 enlisted men were killed
or died of battle wounds, 10 enlisted men died by accident or
disease, and 3 enlisted men died as prisoners. Altogehter, this
accounts for a total loss of 32 men or 25% of the entire company.
Roster of Company I
- y. Private. Boston, 28, clerk;
enl. and must. 4/16/1864; made
- Allendorf, James. Private.
Roxbury, 19, clerk; enl. 11/28/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; prom.
Corpl. 11/1/1862; Sergt., 2/1/1863;
- wounded 7/3/1863 at Gettysburg,
Pa.; prom. 1st Sergt., 12/31/1863;
- disch. for wounds, 5/24/1864
at Newark, N.J.
- Andress, Charles. Private.
Boston, 21, mason; enl. and must.
- 3/30/1864; deserted 4/30/1864.
- Arnold, James. Private. Westfield,
26, teamster; enl. 12/19/
- 1861, must. 1/4/1862; deserted
2/7/1862 at Governor's Island, N.Y.
- Harbor.
- Balford, Charles. Private.
Jamaica Plain, 19, laborer; enl.
- 10/16/1861, must. 12/13/1861;
wounded 5/5/1864 at Wilderness, Va.;
- disch. 12/19/1864. True name
"Charles McDonald."
- Ballou, Lawrence. Private.
Quincy, 18, clerk; enl. 10/30/1861,
- must. 12/13/1861; transf.
November 1862 to Regular Army.
- Barbor, Julius. Private.
Boston, 24, sailor; enl. and must.
- 3/23/1864; killed 6/3/1864
at Cold Harbor, Va.
- Barry, James. Private. Boston,
38, nailer; enl. and must.
- 8/15/1862; transf. to V.R.C.,
9/15/1863; re-transf. 9/7/1864 to
- 28th Mass. Inf.; died of
disease, 11/18/1864 at City Point, Va.
- as member of Co. I.
- Bazin, Joseph G. Private.
East Canada, 26, tradesman; enl. and
- must. 3/23/1864; wounded
5/5/1864 at Wilderness, Va.; died of
- wounds, 5/7/1864.
- Beckett, William. Private.
Newburyport, 23, seaman; enl. and
- must. 3/9/1864; deserted
3/29/1864 at Stevensburg, Va. Also served
- in U.S. Navy.
- Bethye, William G. Private.
Germany, 21, mariner; enl. and
- must. 6/9/1864; wounded 3/25/1865
at Hatcher's Run, Va.; prom.
- Corpl., 5/25/1865; must.
out 6/30/1865 as member of Co. E.
- Black, Patrick W. Private.
Salem, 28, law student; comm. and
- must. 3/29/1864: comm. as
2nd Lieut., 3/30/1864; must. 4/10/1864;
- comm. 1st Lieut., 5/5/1864,
must. 6/5/1864; comm. Captain, 7/21/
- 1864, must. 11/22/1864; must.
out to date 7/22/1865 as Captain of
- Co. D. Brevet Major U.S.
Vols., to date 4/9/1865. Also served as
- non-com. staff in 9th Mass.
- Blair, Abel M. Private. Lynn,
23, shoemaker; enl. 10/28/1861,
- must. 12/13/1861; wounded
8/30/1862 at 2nd Bull Run, Va.; died of
- disease, 3/9/1863 at Convalescent
Camp, Va.
- Blanchard, Pierre. Private.
---, ---, ---; enl. and must.---;
- wounded 6/3/1864 at Cold
Harbor, Va.; died of wounds, 6/16/1864,
- at Alexandria, Va.
- Boucher, Pierre. Private.
Boston, 25, farmer; enl. and must.
- 4/6/1864; wounded 6/3/1864
at Cold Harbor, Va.; disch. for wounds,
- 11/28/1864.
- Briens, Charles P. Sergeant.
Jamaica Plain, 24, bootmaker;
- enl. 10/12/1861, must. 12/13/1861;
comm. and must. 2nd Lieut.,
- 11/1/1862; resigned and disch.
2/12/1863 as 2nd Lieutant.
- Britt, William. Corporal.
Boston, 30, mason; enl. 9/28/1861,
- must. 12/13/1861; prom. Sergt.,
6/16/1862; wounded 8/30/1862 at
- 2nd Bull Run, Va.; died of
wounds, 9/11/1862 at Washington, D.C.
- Brown, James. Private. Chelsea,
40, laborer; enl. and must.
- 3/26/1864; wounded 5/5/1864
at Wilderness, Va.; transf. to V.R.C.,
- 1/10/1865, as member of Co.
B, 12th V.R.C.
- Bryant, Marshall. Private.
Chelsea, 18, clerk; enl. 10/2/1861,
- must. 12/13/1861; disch.
for disability, 8/12/1863. Also served in
- 4th Unattached Co. Mass.
Inf. (90 days); and Co. A, 4th Mass. Cav.
- Bryant, Richard R. 1st Sergeant.
Chelsea, 20, bookkeeper; enl.
- 9/21/1861, must. 12/13/1861;
died of disease, 6/10/1862 at Hilton
- Head, S.C.
- Buckley, Michael. Private.
Gloucester, 32, laborer; enl. and
- must. 3/26/1864; wounded
5/5/1864 at Wilderness, Va.; transf. to
- V.R.C., 11/27/1864; must.
out 7/25/1865 as member of Co. G, 14th
- V.R.C. Previous service in
Co. B, 10th Maine Inf.
- Burton, Francis B. Private.
Middletown, N.Y., 24, wheelwright;
- enl. and must. 3/24/1864;
must. out 6/30/1865 as member of Co. E.
- Canary, John. Private. North
Bridgewater, 21, shoemaker; enl.
- 12/21/1861, must. 1/4/1862;
re-enlisted 1/1/1864; wounded 5/5/1864
- at Wilderness, Va.; died
of wounds, 715/1864 at Washington, D.C.
- Name also borne on roster
as "John Cannary."
- Carruthers, James O. Sergeant.
Salisbury, 19, clerk; enl.
- 10/11/1861, must. 12/13/1861;
prom. 1st Sergt., 5/1/1862; comm.
- 2nd Lieut., 7/27/1862, must.
11/1/1862; comm. 1st Lieut., 12/7/
- 1862, must. 4/7/1863; disch.
for disability to date 8/24/1863,
- S.O. #379 of War Dept. as
1st Lieut. of Co. D.
- Cassidy, Thomas. Private.
Boston, 18, shoemaker; enl. and
- must. 2/24/1864; must. out
6/30/1865 as Musician of Co. E. Also
- listed on roster of Co. D.
- Chadbourne, John. Private.
Sandwich, 18, glass cutter; enl.
- 9/25/1861, must. 12/13/1861;
wounded 9/1/1862 at Chantilly, Va.;
- 5/3/1863 at Chancellorsville,
Va.; and 5/12/1864 at Spottsylvania,
- Va.; must. out 12/19/1864.
Also served in Co. C, 62nd Mass. Inf.
- Chapman, Samuel. Private.
Boston, 18, laborer; enl. and must.
- 8/25/1862; re-enlisted 1/1/1864;
wounded 5/5/1864 at Wilderness,
- Va.; must. 7/21/1865 as member
of Co. E.
- Clark, Lawrence. Private.
Roxbury, 42, hostler; enl. 11/26/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; wounded
9/1/1862 at Chantilly, Va.; disch.
- for wounds, 11/14/1862 at
Washington, D.C.
- Coady, James. Private. Roxbury,
18, laborer; enl. 10/7/1861,
- must. 12/13/1861; wounded
in 1862, transf. to V.R.C. date not
- shown; re-enlisted 4/9/1864;
died of disease, 2/19/1865 at
- Alexandria, Va. as member
of Co. B, 24th V.R.C.
- Coady, Nicholas. Private.
Roxbury, 44, hostler; enl. 10/7/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; disch.
for disability, 9/28/1862.
- Colbert, Thomas. Private.
Boston, 21, teamster; enl. and must.
- 12/21/1861; deserted 12/29/1861
at Cambridge, Mass.
- Collins, John. Private. Boston,
27, laborer; enl. 10/30/1861,
- must. 12/13/1861; missing
in action, 8/30/1862 at 2nd Bull Run,
- Va. and probably killed.
- Collins, Michael. Private.
Boston, 21, seaman; enl. and must.
- 3/11/1864; wounded 5/5/1864
at Wilderness, Va.; and 8/16/1864 at
- Charles City Cross Roads,
Va.; deserted 11/30/1864 while on
- furlough from hospital.
- Conneally, William. Private.
Marlboro, 18, laborer; enl.
- 10/30/1861, must. 12/13/1861;
wounded 12/13/1862 at Fredericks-
- burg, Va.; transf. to V.R.C.
1/29/1864; must. out 12/13/1864 as
- member of Co. C, 24th V.R.C.
- Connolly, John. Private.
Belmont, 23, laborer; enl. 12/5/1861,
- must. 12/13/1861; sick in
hospital since 7/10/1863; deserted in
- July or August, 1863. Later
served in Co. B, 48th Penn. Vols.
- under name "Michael
- Conry, James. Private. Cambridge,
18, laborer; enl. and must.
- 1/12/1862; disch. 1/12/1862.
- Conry, Michael. Private.
Cambridge, 18, bookbinder; enl. and
- must. 2/24/1864; prom. Corpl.
2/4/1865; must. out 6/30/1865 as
- member of Co. E.
- Corbett, Michael. Private.
West Roxbury, 19, laborer; enl.
- 11/8/1861, must. 12/13/1861;
wounded 9/14/1862 at South Mountain,
- Md.; disch. for disability,
3/18/1863 at Rhode Island.
- Corcoran, Anthony. Private.
South Boston, 35, blacksmith; enl.
- and must. 9/12/1862; wounded
12/13/1862 at Fredericksburg, Va.;
- disch. for disability, 5/9/1863.
- Corcoran, Thomas. Private.
Cambridge, 30, laborer; enl. 11/19/
- 1861 must. 12/13/1861; wounded
12/13/1862 at Fredericksburg, Va.;
- disch. for wounds, 3/23/1863
at Boston.
- Cordier, Louis. Private.
New York, N.Y., 21, cook; enl. and
- must. 4/12/1864; absent wounded,
5/5/1864 at Wilderness, Va.; no
- further record.
- Crosby, Louis J. Sergeant.
Webster, 30, spinner; enl. 9/12/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; wounded
9/1/1862 at Chantilly, Va.; and
- 9/14/1862 at South Mountain,
Md.; transf. 8/25/1863 to V.R.C.;
- must. out 12/13/1864 as member
of Co. C, 21st V.R.C.
- Cullen, Michael. Private.
Waltham, 18, laborer; enl. 11/6/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; re-enlisted
1/1/1864; deserted 3/31/1864;
- enl. 5/3/1864 under name
"John Logan" in Co. C, 2nd Calif. Cav.,
- must. 5/4/1864; surrendered
5/15/1865 as a deserted from 28th
- Mass. Inf.; returned to duty
under name "Michael Collins" and
- deserted 5/1/1866 as member
of Co. C, 2nd Calif. Cav.
- Daly, Thomas. Corporal. Boston,
19, photographer; enl. 11/1/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; wounded
and captured, 6/16/1862 at James
- Island, S.C.; paroled date
not shown; disch. for disability
- 4/13/1863.
- DeLona, Antoine. Private.
Scioto, Ohio, 23, farmer; enl. and
- must. 3/29/1864; captured
8/16/1864 at Charles City Cross Roads,
- Va.; paroled during January,
1865; must. out 7/22/1865 as member
- of Co. E.
- Dolan, Michael. Private.
West Roxbury, 34, laborer; enl.
- 12/11/1861, must. 12/13/1861;
killed 9/17/1862 at Antietam, Md.
- Donahue, Hugh. Private. Jamaica
Plain, 36, laborer; enl.
- 10/16/1961, must. 12/13/1861;
disch. for disability, 3/22/1863 at
- Falmouth, Va.
- Dooley, Michael. Private.
Georgetown, 23, laborer; enl. 10/30/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; disch.
for disability, 9/23/1862. Also
- served in Co. I, 1st Mass.
Heavy Arty.
- Dorney, Patrick. Private.
Quincy, 19, shoemaker; enl. 11/30/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; deserted
8/25/1862 at Warrenton Junction,
- Va.
- Doyle, Edward. Private. Philadelphia,
Pa., 34, hatter; enl.
- and must. 3/21/1864; must.
out 6/27/1864 as member of Co. E.
- Driscoll, Patrick. Private.
Boston, 40, laborer; enl. and
- must. 8/25/1862; wounded
12/13/1862 at Fredericksburg, Va.; disch.
- for disability, 3/16/1863
at Washington, D.C. Also served in
- V.R.C.
- Duffy, James. Private. Roxbury,
18, farmer; enl. 8/18/1862,
- must. 8/25/1862; wounded
12/13/1862 at Fredericksburg, Va.; disch.
- for wounds, 4/10/1863 at
Point Lookout, Md. Also served in V.R.C.
- Duffy, Thomas. Private. West
Roxbury, 21, laborer; enl. 11/8/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; prom.
Sergt., 11/1/1862; missing 7/3/1863
- at Gettysburg, Pa.; comm.
1st Lieut., 8/25/1863, must. 10/8/1863;
- dismissed by sentence of
Genl. Court Martial, 2/23/1864. Also
- served in Co. E, 61st Mass.
Inf. (1 yr.)
- Dulanty, Edward. Private.
Boston, 35, laborer; enl. 10/5/1861,
- must. 12/13/1861; re-enlisted
1/1/1864; must. out 6/30/1865 in Co.
- E.
- Dunn, John. Private. Boston,
22, carter; enl. and must. 5/14/
- 1864; deserted as member
of Co. E, 12/31/1864 while on furlough
- from hospital.
- Durgin, Daniel. Private.
Boston, 19, clerk; enl. and must.
- 8/25/1862; transf. to V.R.C.,
9/20/1863; must. out 12/24/1864 as
- member of Co. B, 20th V.R.C.
- Ellis, John. Private. Boston,
24, blacksmith; enl. and must.
- 3/30/1864; wounded 5/5/1864
at Wilderness, Va.; deserted 6/24/1864
- while on furlough from hospital.
- Emery, Moses J. 1st Lieutenant.
Boston, 30, grocer; comm.
- 10/8/1861, must. 12/13/1861;
wounded 8/30/1862 at 2nd Bull Run,
- Va.; resigned and disch.
9/25/1862. Also served in Co. K, 6th
- Mass. Inf.(3 mos.).
- Englash, Peter. Private.
Boston, 21, laborer; enl. and must.
- 4/14/1864; wounded 5/5/1864
at Wilderness, Va.; and 8/14/1864 at
- Deep Bottom, Va.; deserted
10/25/1864 while on furlough from
- hospital.
- Fairley, Henry. Private.
Boston, 34, mariner; enl. and must.
- 9/17/1862; wounded 7/3/1863
at Gettysburg, Pa.; disch. for wounds,