Company E
Company E was recruited in
the fall of 1861, with most of the original members originating
from Boston and the surrounding area. Samuel Moore, a 24-year
old Boston bookbinder, was commissioned as the first Captain of
Company E. He eventually resigned due to a physical disability
in January, 1863.
Six enlisted men from Company
E were commissioned from the ranks as officers during their term
of service. Augustus Annand had served as a volunteer in the 3rd
Massachusetts Infantry (a 3 mos. regiment) before enlisting as
a Sergeant in the 28th Massachusetts at its founding. He served
in this capacity until September 1862, when he was commissioned
as a 2nd Lieutenant. By the end of 1862, Annand had been promoted
to 1st Lieutenant and then to regimental Adjutant. In January
of 1863, he was promoted to Captain of Company E, which he led
until being wounded at Spottsylvania in May, 1864. He never recovered
sufficiently from this wound to return to the regiment, and was
discharged a year later.
Robert Horrigan of Boston joined
the regiment in 1861 and was promoted from 1st Sergeant to 2nd
Lieutenant in November, 1862. He served until April 1863, when
he resigned as 1st Lieutenant of Company I. Michael Kirely, a
37-year old Private from East Boston, was drafted in August 1863
and commissioned a 1st Lieutenant from 1st Sergeant just one month
later. The following December, he was appointed Adjutant. He was
wounded at the Wilderness in May 1864, and then later commissioned
Captain before the month was over. He was finally discharged for
wounds received in battle in August, 1864 as 1st Lieutant of Co.
Cornelius McCarthy, an 18-year
old Boston teamster, enlisted as a Corporal at the formation of
the regiment. Wounded at Fredericksurg, he subsequently re-enlisted
in January, 1864 as a Sergeant. Again wounded at Petersburg, he
was commissioned 2nd Lieutenant of Company B in September, and
finished the war in that capacity. John Miles, a 22-year old carver
from Boston, enlisted as a Corporal in Company E at the formation
of the regiment. He re-enlisted in January 1864 as 1st Sergeant,
then was commissioned 1st Lieutenant in May 19, 1864 after being
wounded earlier that month at the Wilderness. He was commissioned
Captain in August 1864 before being wounded again at Reams' Station.
He mustered out with the regiment that following June at the rank
of Captain.
A total of 209 enlisted men
served in Company E during the three years of its existence in
the field. Of this number, 16 men were killed in action, 3 were
reported missing in action and presumed killed, 6 died by accident
or disease, and 3 died as prisoners of war for a total of 28 men
Roster of Company E
- Alexander, William. Private. Lowell, 28,
laborer; enl. and
- must. 3/30/1864; captured 4/1/1864; exchanged
- furloughed from Camp Parole, Md., 12/21/1864;
deserted from Co.
- B; later enlisted in Navy, 1/14/1865 under
name "Michael Casey;"
- no further record.
Allen, Stephen H. Private. Boston, 39, teamster; enl. and
- must. 8/13/1862; wounded 12/13/1862 at
Fredericksburg, Va.; died
- of wounds, 12/28/1862 at Washington, D.C.
Annand, Augustus. Sergeant. Boston, 28, bookkeeper; enl.
- 9/9/1861, must. 12/13/1861; comm. 2nd
Lieut., 9/24/1862, must.
- 11/1/1862; comm. 1st Lieut. and Adjutant,
1/24/1863, must.
- 1/24/1863; comm. Captain, 3/2/1864; wounded
5/18/1864 at
- Spottsylvania, Va.; disch. for wounds,
5/6/1865 as Captain. Also
- served in Co. L, 3rd Mass. Inf. (3 mos.).
Arnold, Thomas. Private. Roxbury, 18, rope maker; enl. 10/3
- 1861, must. 1/1/1862; transf. to V.R.C.,
date not shown; disch.
- for disability, 3/17/1864 as member of
Co. B, 10th V.R.C.
Barnes, John. Private. ---, 39, tailor; enl. and must. 9/4/
- 1862; missing in action, 12/13/1862 at
Fredericksburg, Va.; no
- further record.
Barnes, Thomas. Private. Providence, R.I., 18, laborer; enl.
- 9/19/1861, must. 12/13/1861; disch. 3/11/1865
at Petersburg, Va.
- as member of Co. B.
Bartlett, William J. Private. Marblehead, 38, farmer; enl.
- and must. 3/18/1864; wounded 5/5/1854
at Wilderness, Va.; died
- of wounds, 8/11/1864 at Marblehead, Mass.
as member of Co. B.
- Previous service with Co. L, 3rd Mass.
Beauboucher, Victor. Private. Boston, 27, soldier; enl. and
- must. 3/31/1864; wounded 6/3/1864 at Cold
Harbor, Va.; disch.
- for wounds, 1/6/1865 at Washington, D.C.
as member of Co. B.
Bodet, Eli. Private. Lancaster, N.H., 18, farmer; enl. and
- must. 3/18/1864; wounded 5/5/1864 at Wilderness,
Va.; disch.
- to date, 7/24/1864 as member of Co. B.
Bodreau, Joseph. Private. Marlboro, 20, shoemaker; enl. and
- must. 2/29/1864; prom. Corporal, 6/12/1864;
must. out 6/30/1865
- as member of Co. B.
Boynton, William H. Corporal. East Boston, 19, clerk; enl.
- 9/12/1861, must. 12/13/1861; wounded 9/1/1862
at Chantilly, Va.;
- disch. for disability, 4/28/1863 at Washington,
D.C. as
- Sergeant.
Brainard, Nehemiah S. Sergeant. East Boston, 46, engineer;
- enl. 9/9/1861, must. 12/13/1861; prom.
Commissary Sergt., 8/1/
- 1862; must. out 12/12/1864.
Braslin, Patrick. Private. East Cambridge, 32, teamster;
- enl. 9/27/1861, must. 12/14/1861; re-enlisted
1/1/1864; transf.
- from Co. B to V.R.C., date not shown;
must. out 8/8/1865 as
- member of Co. I, 20th V.R.C.
Bren, Peter. Private. Sweden, 22, seaman; enl. and must.
- 4/22/1864; must. out 5/25/1865 at Washington,
D.C. as member of
- Co. D.
Brennan, Patrick. Private. Chicopee, 22, laborer; enl. and
- must. 7/18/1864; must. out 6/30/1865.
Brown, Rufus F. Private. Benton, Me., 36, farmer; enl. and
- must. 3/24/1864; wounded 3/25/1865 at
Hatcher's Run, Va.; must.
- out 7/22/1865. Previous service in Co.
H, 48th Mass. Inf.
- (9 mos.).
Burns, James. Private. East Cambridge, 32, teamster; enl.
- 9/27/1861, must. 12/13/1861; wounded 8/30/1862
at 2nd Bull Run,
- Va.; re-enlisted 1/1/1864 as Corpl.; wounded
5/5/1864 at
- Wilderness, Va.; must. out 6/30/1865 as
member of Co. B.
Callan, Peter. Private. Boston, 26, roofer; enl. and must.
- 8/21/1862; wounded 12/13/1862 at Fredericksburg,
Va.; disch. for
- wounds, 5/29/1863 at Boston.
Carey, John. Private. Saybrook, Ct., 28, laborer; enl. and
- must. 7/16/1864; deserted to enemy, 12/10/1864.
Name also borne
- on rolls as "John Casey."
Carlton, John. 2nd Lieutenant. Boston, 35, mason; comm. 10/8
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; comm. 1st Lieut.,
6/1/1862, disch. to
- date, 12/6/1862 as 1st Lieut. of Co. C,
by S.O. #93 of
- 2/26/1863.
Carrigan, James. Private. West Cambridge, 18, laborer; enl.
- 10/2/1861, must. 12/13/1861; deserted
at Antietam, Md., 9/20/
- 1862.
Carroll, Patrick. Private. East Boston, 18, laborer; enl.
- and must. 8/6/1862; re-enlisted 1/1/1864;
must. out 6/30/1865
- as Corporal of Co. B.
Carroll, Thomas. Private. East Boston, 35, laborer; enl.
- 10/27/1861, must. 12/13/1861; wounded
12/13/1862 at Fredericks-
- burg, Va.; disch. for wounds, 3/12/1863
at Portsmouth Grove,
- R.I.
Cassiman, Michael. Private. Roxbury, 21, laborer; enl. 10/1/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; missing in action,
9/1/1862 at
- Chantilly, Va.; must. out 12/19/1864.
Cavanaugh, Patrick. Private. Boston, 20, shoemaker; enl.
- 9/25/1861, must. 12/13/1861; prom. Corpl.,
Sept. or Oct. 1863;
- wounded and captured, 5/5/1864 at Wilderness,
Va.; exchanged
- 12/14/1864; must. out, 2/9/1865 as Private.
Childs, George W. Private. Saugus, 24, farmer; enl. 10/7/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; disch. for disability,
12/30/1862 at
- Boston.
Clancy, Timothy. Private. Boston, 35, teamster; enl. and
- must. 1/1/1862; captured 8/29/1862; returned
9/8/1862; disch.
- for disability, 3/31/1863.
Coffey, Jeremiah. Private. Boston, 24, baker; enl. 10/7/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; must. out 12/19/1864.
Condon, James. Private. Boston, 41, baker; enl. 10/12/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; deserted 9/7/1862
at Washington, D.C.
Conley, John. Private. Boston, 18, miller; enl. and must.
- 2/29/1864; wounded 6/3/1864 at Cold Harbor;
disch. for wounds,
- 8/23/1864 as member of Co. B.
Conn, Daniel. Private. East Abington, 23, shoemaker; enl.
- 10/15/1861, must. 12/13/1861; wounded,
date not shown; disch.
- for disability, 3/21/1863. Later served
in Co. D, 3rd Mass.
- Hvy. Artillery.
Conway, Henry. Private. Boston, 23, moulder; enl. and must.
- 2/18/1862; missing in action, 12/13/1862
at Fredericksburg, Va.;
- no further record.
Conway, James. Private. Worcester, 40, groom; enl. 10/8/1861
- must. 12/13/1861; disch. for disability,
1/6/1863 at Washington,
- D.C.
Conway, Matthew. Private. South Boston, 21, mason; enl.
- 1/10/1862, must. 1/28/1862; wounded 6/16/1862
at James Island,
- S.C.; and 5/5/1864 at Wilderness, Va.;
must. out 12/19/1864.
Conway, Thomas. Corporal. South Boston, 30, sculptor; enl.
- and must. 1/7/1862; disch. to date, 11/1/1863
by S.O. #227.
Cooper, John. Private. Germany, 24, clerk; enl. and must.
- 3/30/1864; deserted 12/10/1864 as member
of Co. B.
Coughlin, David. Private. South Boston, 33, building mover;
- enl. 11/29/1861, must. 12/13/1861; wounded
6/16/1862 at James
- Island, S.C.; 9/1/1862 at Chantilly, Va.;
and 12/13/1862 at
- Fredericksburg, Va.; disch. for wounds,
3/6/1863 at Convalescent
- Camp, Va.
Coughlin, Edmund C. Private. Salem, 18, laborer; enl. 9/12/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; deserted 6/20/1863;
arrested 12/26/1863;
- sentenced by General Court Martial; reported
missing, 5/9/1864
- at Spottsylvania, Va.; wounded 3/25/1865
at Hatcher's Run, Va.;
- must. out 6/30/1865 as member of Co. B.
Coyle, Michael. Private. Roxbury, 40, laborer; enl. and
- must. 9/12/1862; disch. for disability,
Cragin, Henry. Private. Boston, 18, rope maker; enl. 9/30/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; wounded, date
not shown; deserted 10/23/
- 1862 from hospital at Bedloe's Island,
N.Y. Harbor.
Cragin, Michael. Private. Boston, 19, blacksmith; enl. 12/21
- 1861, must. 1/3/1862; disch. 11/21/1864
at Washington, D.C.
Cronin, Daniel A. Private. Boston, 22, laborer; enl. and
- must. 3/3/1864; disch. 1/10/1865 at Boston
as member of Co. B.
- Had previous service with Co. I, 43rd
Mass. Inf. (9 mos.).
Cronin, Dennis. Private. Boston, 18, laborer; enl. 9/14/1861
- must. 12/13/1861; deserted 1/5/1863 at
Washington, D.C.;
- arrested at Boston, 8/3/1863; released;
disch. 4/18/1879 to date
- from 9/20/1862 for reason of minority.
Crowley, Timothy. Private. Boston, 30, teamster; enl. and
- must. 2/22/1864; wounded 5/5/1864 at Wilderness,
Va.; transf.
- to V.R.C., 5/4/1865; disch. for wounds,
7/13/1865 as member of
- 8th Co., 2nd Battln., V.R.C.
Daley, Francis D. Private. Cambridgeport, 36, cap binder;
- enl. 12/26/1861, must. 1/28/1862; disch.
for disability, 12/31/
- 1862 at Falmouth, Va.
Daley, James. Private. South Boston, 31, blacksmith; enl.
- 9/12/1861, must. 12/13/1861; wounded 9/1/1862
at Chantilly, Va.;
- disch. for wounds, 4/24/1863. See V.R.C.
Delany, Roger. Private. Worcester, 27, blacksmith; enl. and
- must. 3/28/1864; must. out 6/30/1865.
Previous service with Co.
- F, 45th Mass. Inf. (9 mos.).
Devlin, John. Private. Smithfield, R.I., 18, farmer; enl.
- 9/14/1861, must. 12/13/1861; missing in
action, 7/3/1863 at
- Gettysburg, Pa.; re-enlisted 1/1/1864;
deserted 4/1/1864 while
- on furlough.
Dillon, Patrick. Private. Boston, 26, paper stainer; enl.
- and must. 3/1/1864; wounded 6/16/1864
at Petersburg, Va.; must.
- out 6/30/1865 as member of Co. B.
Donnelly, John. Private. North Cambridge, 23, laborer; enl.
- 10/14/1861, must. 12/13/1861; wounded
12/13/1862 at Fredericks-
- burg, Va.; disch. for wounds, 3/13/1863
at Boston. Later served
- in Co. I, 3rd Mass. Cavalry.
Donovan, Timothy. Private. Boston, 45, laborer; enl. 10/4/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; killed 6/16/1862
at James Island, S.C.
Dowd, James. Private. Concord, N.H., 28, laborer; enl. and
- must. 9/5/1864; deserted to the enemy,
12/17/1864; no further
- record.
Dowdall, John. Private. Danvers, 18, shoemaker; enl. 11/2/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; re-enlisted 1/1/1864;
wounded 6/3/1864
- at Cold Harbor, Va.; must. out 6/30/1865
as member of Co. B.
Doyle, Michael. Private. Amherst, 19, farmer; enl. and must.
- 2/29/1864; wounded 5/5/1864 at Wilderness,
Va.; died of wounds
- received in action, 5/7/1864 as member
of Co. D.
Drayton, George H. Private. Lowell, 28, teamster; enl. 9/14/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; disch. for disability,
2/14/1863 at
- Convalescant Camp, Va.
Driscoll, Jeremiah. Teamster. Boston, 32, teamster; enl.
- 9/15/1861, must. 12/13/1861; wounded 12/13/1862
at Fredericks-
- burg, Va.; and 7/3/1863 at Gettysburg,
Pa. as Corpl.; re-
- enlisted 1/1/1864; prom. Sergt., 9/1/1864;
must. out 6/30/1865
- as member of Co. B.
Driscoll, John. Private. Charlestown, 38, mason; enl. 10/23/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; disch. for disability,
12/4/1862 at
- Falmouth, Va.
Dwyer, Patrick C. Private. Waltham, 21, shoemaker; enl. and
- must. 10/23/1862; prom. Corpl., March
or April 1863; wounded and
- captured 7/3/1863 at Gettysburg, Pa.;
returned April 1864;
- wounded 6/3/1864 at Cold Harbor, Va.;
captured 8/16/1864 at
- Charles City Cross Roads, Va.; sent to
Salisbury, N.C., 10/9/