Company D
Company D was recruited during
the fall of 1861. Like most of the other companies of the 28th
Massachusetts, company D drew most of its original members from
Boston and the surrounding area, although there were a prominent
contingent of 10 men from Newburyport and 6 from Lawrence. Andrew
J. Lawler, a 26-year old Boston brass finisher, was commissioned
as the first Captain of Company D. Lawler was wounded in action
on June 16, 1862 at James Island. Upon his return to the regiment,
he was promoted to Major in September 1863 with the approval of
Col. Byrnes, a regular army soldier who had extremely high standards
for his officers. When Lt. Col. Cartwright was severely wounded
at the Wilderness, Lawler took over command of the regiment. Tragically,
he was killed in battle leading an assault at the head of the
regiment on May 18, 1864 at Spottsylvania, Virginia.
Three enlisted men of Company
D were commissioned as officers from the ranks. Patrick Dwyer
enlisted in 1861 as a Sergeant, and earned a commission to 2nd
and then 1st Lieutenant before the end of 1862. He eventually
resigned and was discharged in April 1863 as 1st Lieutenant of
Co. F. Michael Powderly was a 22-year old shoemaker when he enlisted
in 1861 as a Corporal in Company D. He was wounded at Spottsylvania,
but returned to the regiment in time to win promotion to Sergeant
Major and then 1st Lieutenant of Company D by July, 1864. He eventually
mustered out with the regiment on June 30, 1865 at this rank.
John Connor was just 18 when he enlisted as a Private in 1861.
He served faithfully in the ranks until being commissioned as
1st Lieutenant on May 19, 1864. He was later wounded at both Cold
Harbor and Hatcher's Run, but returned to the regiment in time
to muster out on June 30, 1865 as Captain of Co. C.
A total of 208 enlisted men
served in Company D between December, 1861 and July, 1865. Of
these, 22 men were killed or mortally wounded, 7 reported as missing
in action, 7 died of disease, and 7 died as prisoners of war,
for a total of 43 (20.7%) deaths.
Roster of Company D
- Alcorn, Andrew. Private.
Boston, 38, laborer; enl. 11/22/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; killed
12/13/1862 at Fredericksburg,
- Va.
- Barnes, Michael. Private.
Boston, 34, tailor; enl. and must.
- 2/27/1864; wounded 5/31/1864
at Spottsylvania, Va.; died of
- disease, 7/6/1864 at Boston
while on furlough from hospital.
- Previous service in Co. D,
1st Mass. Inf.
- Bates, Nicholas. Private.
Boston, 42, laborer; enl. and
- must. 1/25/1864; wounded
5/6/1864 at Wilderness, Va.; missing in
- action, 8/16/1864 at Charles
City Cross Roads, Va.; no further
- record. Previous service
in Co. H, 48th Mass. Inf. (9 mos.)
- Belcher, Lewis. Private.
Canada, 21, farmer; enl. and must.
- 7/22/1864; must. out 6/30/1865.
- Bennett, Osmond. Private.
Quincy, 37, bootmaker; enl. and
- must. 1/25/1862; captured
6/16/1862 at James Island, S.C.;
- missing 7/3/1863 at Gettysburg,
Pa.; exchanged, date not shown;
- killed 6/3/1864 at Cold Harbor,
- Boyle, Hugh P. 1st Lieutenant.
Boston, 25, salesman; comm.
- 10/8/1861, must. 12/14/1861;
died of disease, 5/31/1862 at
- Hilton Head, S.C.
- Brown, Frank. Private. Boston,
21, brass maker; enl. and
- must. 3/3/1864; deserted
3/26/1864 at Stevensburg, Va.
- Brown, Rudolph. Private.
New York, 35, tailor; enl. and
- must. 3/30/1864; wounded
3/25/1865 at Hatcher's Run, Va.; prom.
- Corpl. 5/25/1865; must. out
- Brunt, George. Private. Boston,
30, teamster; enl. 11/21/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; wounded
8/30/1862 at 2nd Bull Run, Va.;
- disch. for disability, 3/17/1863.
See also V.R.C.
- Buckley, Florence. 2nd Lieutenant.
Boston, 24, shoemaker;
- comm. 10/8/1861, must. 1/2/1862;
comm. and must. 1st Lieut.,
- 7/4/1862; wounded 8/30/1862
at 2nd Bull Run, Va.; comm. Captain
- 1/16/1863; must. 1/21/1863;
disch. for disability, 6/8/1863 by
- S.O. #255 as Captain of Co.
E. See also V.R.C.
- Buckley, John. Private. Randolph,
24, bootmaker; enl. 10/8/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; disch.
for disability, 1/1/1862.
- Burke, Richard. Private.
Worcester, 43, laborer; enl. 10/3/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; wounded
7/3/1863 at Gettysburg, Pa.;
- disch. for wounds, 9/20/1863
at Washington, D.C.
- Burns, John. Private. Philadelphia,
Pa., 23, sailor; enl.
- and must. 7/18/1864; must.
out 6/30/1865.
- Carey, Edward. Private. Lowell,
36, moulder; enl. 11/4/1861,
- must. 12/13/1861; wounded
7/2/1863 at Gettysburg, Pa.; must. out
- 12/19/1864.
- Carmody, Michael. Private.
Lawrence, 32, laborer; enl. and
- must. 8/3/1864; must. out
- Casey, Patrick. Private.
---, 21, laborer; enl. and must.
- 10/25/1862; disch. 12/13/1864.
- Cassidy, Thomas. Musician.
Methuen, 15, clerk; enl. 12/2/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; disch.
11/21/1862 at Falmouth, Va.
- Enlisted in Co. I, 28th Mass.
Inf. 2/24/1865 (see Co. I).
- Cate, Alden H. Private. Norfolk,
N.H., 21, shoemaker; enl.
- and must. 3/25/1864; wounded
6/16/1864 at Petersburg; must. out
- 6/30/1865.
- Cate, William W. Private.
Chelsea, 18, laborer; enl. and
- must. 3/22/1864; wounded
6/16/1864 at Petersburg, Va.; transf.
- to V.R.C. 2/1/1865; must
out 7/29/1865 as member of Co. I, 10th
- V.R.C.
- Charley, Richard. Private.
---, 18, ---; enl. 1/23/1862, must.
- 1/30/1862; disch. for disability,
- Chartier, John. Private.
Canada, 22, farmer; enl. and must.
- 4/29/1864; wounded 3/25/1865
at Hatcher's Run, Va.; must. out
- 6/30/1865.
- Clark, James. Private. Hamliton,
Canada West, 21, moulder;
- enl. and must. 3/16/1864;
captured 8/25/1864 at Reams' Station,
- Va.; sent to Salisbury, N.C.,
10/9/1864; furloughed from Genl.
- Hospital, Annapolis, Md.
12/19/1864; no further record.
- Clary, William. Private.
Boston, 26, sailor; enl. 10/1861,
- must. 12/13/1861; wounded
8/30/1862 at 2nd Bull Run, Va.; disch.
- for disability, 9/27/1863.
- Cloyes, Henry A. Private.
Westboro, 21, shoemaker; enl.
- 10/17/1861, must. 12/13/1861;
deserted 10/20/1862 at Nolan's
- Ford, Va.
- Coleman, John. Private. Boston,
38, carpenter; enl. 11/4/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; wounded
12/13/1862 at Fredericksburg,
- Va.; and 11/29/1863 at Mine
Run, Va.; transf. to V.R.C., 3/5/
- 1864; must. out 12/13/1864
as member of 81st Co. 2nd Battln.
- V.R.C.
- Connell, James. Private.
Ware, 38, laborer; enl. 11/4/1861,
- must. 12/13/1861; disch.
for disability, 1/1/1862.
- Connor, John. Private. Boston,
18, farmer; enl. 12/2/1861,
- must. 12/13/1861; re-enlisted
1/1/1864; comm. 1st Lieut. from
- Sergt., 5/19/1864, must.
8/19/1864; wounded 6/3/1864 at Cold
- Harbor, Va.; comm. Captain,
8/16/1864, must. 11/11/1864; wounded
- 3/25/1865 at Hatcher's Run,
Va.; must. out 6/30/1865 as Captain
- of Co. C.
- Connor, Patrick. Private.
Boston, 36, printer; enl. 8/25/
- 1862, must. 8/26/1862; re-enlisted
1/1/1864; must. out
- 6/30/1865.
- Cooney, James. Corporal.
Boston, 25, laborer; enl. 10/4/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; wounded
6/16/1862 at James Island, S.C.;
- disch. for wounds, 11/6/1862
at Boston.
- Corrigan, Andrew. Private.
Lawrence, 28, spinner; enl. 11/21
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; prom.
Corpl. 4/30/1862; wounded 8/30/
- 1862 at 2nd Bull Run, Va.;
prom. 1st Sergt., 2/1/1863; wounded
- 7/3/1863 at Gettysburg, Pa.;
transf. to V.R.C., March or April,
- 1864; re-enlisted 4/14/1864;
must. out 11/15/1865 as member of
- Co. C, 20th V.R.C.
- Craden, John. Private. Lawrence,
21, laborer; enl. and must.
- 12/30/1861; killed 7/2/1863
at Gettysburg, Pa.
- Craughwell, Martin. Private.
Lowell, 25, laborer; enl. and
- must. 7/26/1864; wounded
3/25/1865 at Hatcher's Run, Va.; must.
- out 7/12/1865.
- Cronin, Stephen. Private.
Milford, 22, shoemaker; enl. 9/27/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; wounded
9/1/1862 at Chantilly, Va.; and
- 7/3/1863 at Gettysburg, Pa.;
captured 10/14/1863 at Auburn, Va.;
- exchanged 11/26/1864; must.
out 12/19/1864.
- Crowley, Michael. Private.
---, 28, laborer; enl. and must.
- 1/29/1862; captured 7/3/1863
at Gettysburg, Pa.; died a prisoner
- of war, 12/11/1863 at Richmond,
- Cunningham, Francis. Private.
Boston, 32, waiter; enl. and
- must. 10/28/1864; must. out
6/21/1865 at Washington, D.C.
- Cunningnham, Thomas. Private.
Burrillville, R.I., 33,
- spinner; enl. and must. 3/30/1864;
captured 8/25/1864 at Reams'
- Station, Va.; died of disease
a prisoner of war, 10/30/1864 at
- Salisbury, N.C.
- Curran, Dennis. Private.
Boston, 41, stonecutter; enl. and
- must. 8/11/1862; wounded
7/3/1863 at Gettysburg, Pa.; transf.
- to V.R.C., 10/31/1863; disch.
for disability, 7/3/1865 as a
- member of Co. E, 16th V.R.C.
- Davis, Francis N. Private.
Worcester, 38, teacher; enl.
- 10/11/1861, must. 12/13/1861;
disch. for disability, 1/1/1862.
- Dolan, William. Private.
Boston, 28, laborer; enl. 10/11/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; wounded
6/16/1862 at James Island, S.C.;
- and 9/1/1862 at Chantilly,
Va.; died of wounds, 10/19/1862 at
- Washington, D.C.
- Downing, Timothy. Private.
Boston, 30, laborer; enl. and
- must. 1/1/1862; wounded 6/16/1862
at James Island, S.C.; disch.
- for wounds, 9/25/1862 at
- Doyle, William. Corporal.
Newburyport, 38, sailor; enl.
- 11/1/1861, must. 12/13/1861;
died of disease, 2/28/1862 at
- Hilton Head, S.C.
- Dunn, John. Private. Boston,
21, machinist; enl. and must.
- 1/8/1864; killed 5/12/1864
at Spottsylvania, Va.
- Dwyer, Patrick. Sergeant.
Lawrence, 24, ---; enl. 9/20/1861,
- must. 12/13/1861; comm. 2nd
Lieut., 7/14/1862; wounded 8/30/1862
- at 2nd Bull Run, Va.; comm.
1st Lieut., 11/1/1862; resigned and
- discharged 4/9/1863 at 1st
Lieut. of Co. F.
- Ervin, James. Private. New
Jersey, 24, laborer; recruited
- 9/10/1864; must. ---; deserted
12/10/1864 at Petersburg, Va.
- Name also borne on rolls
as "James Erwin."
- Fitzgerald, Patrick. Private.
Weymouth, 30, laborer; enl.
- 12/15/1861, must. 12/19/1861;
captured 6/16/1862 at James
- Island, S.C.; paroled at
Annapolis, Md., 4/11/1863; re-enlisted
- 1/1/1864; killed 5/5/1864
at Wilderness, Va.
- Fitzpatrick, John. Sergeant.
Boston, 32, laborer; enl. 10/4/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; wounded
9/1/1862 at Chantilly, Va.; died
- of wounds, 9/15/1862 at Washington,
- Fleming, Michael. Private.
Boston, 28, sailor; enl. 10/10/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; wounded
12/13/1862 at Fredericksburg,
- Va.; disch. for wounds, 2/27/1863
at Boston.
- Flynn, John. Private. Boston,
35, laborer; enl. 10/4/1861,
- must. 12/13/1861; died 7/4/1862
at James Island, S.C.
- Furbush, John W. Private.
Seabrook, N.H., 30, shoemaker;
- enl. and must. 4/6/1864;
must. out 6/30/1865 at Washington, D.C.
- Gallagher, Hugh. Private.
Boston, 27, laborer; enl. 12/21/
- 1861, must. 1/3/1862; wounded
6/16/1862 at James Island, S.C.;
- died of wounds, 6/19/1862
at Charleston, S.C.
- Gallagher, Hugh. Corporal.
Boston, 25, painter; enl. 10/11/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; deserted
7/1/1863 at Gettysburg, Pa. as
- a Private.
- Gallagher, John. Private.
---, 28, ---; drafted and must.
- 8/11/1863; deserted 9/14/1863
at Culpepper, Va.
- Gans, Michael. Private. New
York, 21, ---; drafted and must.
- 8/10/1863; deserted 10/3/1863
from hospital.
- Gilloly, Andrew. Private.
Boston, 41, laborer; enl. 9/27/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; wounded
9/1/1862 at Chantilly, Va.;
- disch. for disability, 4/10/1863
at Falmouth, Va.
- Gleason, John. Private. Newburyport,
30, laborer; enl. and
- must. 8/23/1862; wounded
11/29/1863 at Mine Run, Va.; transf. to
- V.R.C. date not shown; must.
out 12/20/1864 as member of Co. C,
- 11th V.R.C.
- Golden, Owen. Private. New
York City, 18, sailmaker; draft-
- ed and must. 8/10/1863; prom.
Sergt. from Corpl., 9/11/1864;
- must. out 6/30/1865.
- Gordon, Thomas. Private.
New Bedford, 29, seaman; enl. and
- must. 3/3/1864; deserted
3/26/1864 at Stevensburg, Va.
- Grady, Andrew N. Wagoner.
Foxboro, 30, teamster; enl. 10/14/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; prom.
Corpl., 8/17/1862; prom. Sergt.,
- 10/11/1862; wounded 7/3/1863
at Gettysburg, Pa.; transf. to
- V.R.C. and prom. 1st Sergt.,
10/31/1863; re-enlisted 11/3/1864;
- reduced to Private in Jan.
or Feb. 1865; prom. Corpl. in March
- or April 1865; prom. Sergt.
5/1/1865; and Commy. Sergt., 7/4/
- 1865; 1st Sergt. 12/1/1865;
must. out 8/30/1866 as 1st Sergt. of
- 18th Co., 2nd Battln. 2nd
Independent Co., V.R.C.
- Grady, John. Private. Boston,
39, laborer; enl. 8/15/1861,
- must. 8/22/1862; wounded
12/13/1862 at Fredericksburg, Va.;
- transf. 10/7/1863 to V.R.C.;
must. out 2/1/1865 as member of
- 18th Co., 2nd Battln., V.R.C.
- Graham, Patrick. Private.
Boston, 23, laborer; enl. 10/25/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; died
of disease, 7/4/1862 at Hilton
- Head, S.C.