Company C
Company C was recruited during
the autumn of 1861 in the Boston vicinity, and most of its original
members were mustered into service on December 13, 1861. The first
commander was Captain John H. Brennan of Boston. Brennan served
at the head of Company C until wounded severely at Antietam on
September 17th, 1862. Subsequently, he resinged and was discharged
from the regiment on March 10, 1863. In the latter part of 1864,
an excess of enlisted men in this company were transferred to
Company A.
Altogether, 215 men served
in Company C between December 13, 1861 and June 30, 1865, 5 of
whom were commissioned officers. Of this total, 41 enlisted men
were killed or mortally wounded in battle, 3 missing in action,
12 died of accident or disease, and 2 died as prisoners, for a
total of 58 or 27% in the course of the war. This is the third
highest percentage loss of the 10 companies of the regiment.
Roster of Company C
- Ahern, John. Private. Boston,
40, laborer; enl. and must. 2/14/1864; killed
- 5/5/1864 at Wilderness, Va.
- Allendorf, Adam. Private.
Roxbury, 43, shoemaker; enl. and must. 12/8/1863;
- made prisoner 8/25/1864 at
Reams' Station, Va.; exchanged 11/26/1864;
- disch. 6/7/1865 at Philadelphia,
- Barrett, John. Private. Boston,
23, teamster; enl. 10/7/1861, must. 12/13/
- 1861; wounded 7/3/1863 at
Gettysburg, Pa; transf. to V.R.C., 9/13/1864;
- must. out 8/26/1864 from
58th Co., 2nd Battln. V.R.C.
- Barton, Henry. Private. Braintree,
40, laborer; enl. 10/7/1861, must. 12/13/
- 1861; wounded and missing
8/30/1862 at 2nd Bull Run,Va.; wounded 7/3/
- 1863 at Gettysburg, Pa.;
transf. to V.R.C. 1/20/1864; must. out 10/17/
- 1864 from Co. C, 24th V.R.C.
- Bedell, James E. Private.
---, 21, salesman; enl. and must. 4/11/1864; disch.
- for disability 6/24/1865
at Washington, D.C.
- Bigelow, Henry. Private.
New York City, 22, tanner; enl. and must. 3/25/
- 1864; missing 5/6/1864 at
Wilderness, Va.; wounded 8/14/1864 at Deep
- Bottom, Va.; must. out 6/30/1865
as member of Co. A.
- Bird, Edward E. Private.
Boston, 29, soldier; enl. and must. 4/29/1864;
- disch. 6/6/1865, G.O. #77.
Also served in Co. F, 4th Mass. Inf. and
- Co. K, 23rd Mass. Inf.
- Blake, John. Private. Lawrence,
19, seaman; enl. and must. 3/24/1864;
- promoted Corpl., 2/1/1865;
must. out 6/30/1865.
- Blake, John. Private. Natick,
19, shoemaker; enl. and must. 1/23/1865; must.
- out 6/3/1865.
- Bolduc, Joseph. Private.
Montreal, Canada, 22, laborer; enl. and must.
- 5/13/1864; promoted Corpl.,
10/20/1864; must. out 6/30/1865.
- Branch, William. Private.
Dennis, 25, seaman; unassigned transf. from
- 32nd Mass. Inf., April 1865;
dishonorably disch. 6/30/1865. Also U.S
- Navy.
- Brannon, Owen. Private. Chelsea,
21, baker; enl. and must. 8/22/1864;
- killed 3/25/1865 at Hatcher's
Run, Va.
- Brennan, John H. Captain.
Boston, 28, pianoforte maker; comm. 10/8/1861,
- must. 12/17/1861; wounded
9/17/1862 at Antietam, Md.; resigned and disch.
- 3/10/1863.
- Brophy, Michael. Private.
Boston, 36, laborer; enl. 10/1/1861, must. 12/13/
- 1861; disch. for disability
10/9/1863 at Washington, D.C.
- Bryant, Edward G. Private.
Medford, 18, shoemaker; enl. 12/12/1861, must.
- 12/13/1861; disch. for disability
2/14/1862 at Fort Columbus, N.Y. as
- member of Co. H.
- Bryant, Samuel E. Private.
Medford, 44, stonemason; enl. 12/12/1861, must.
- 12/13/1861; disch. for disability,
6/9/1862 as member of Co. H.
- Burke, John. Private. Boston,
40, laborer; enl. and must. 2/6/1864; killed
- 6/6/1864 at Cold Harbor,
- Butler, David. Private. Boston,
39, teamster; enl. and must. 8/20/1862;
- disch. for disability 3/8/1864
at Washington, D.C.
- Byrnes, Patrick. Private.
Boston, 37, teamster; enl. 10/1/1861, must. 12/13/
- 1861; disch. 2/5/1863.
- Cahill, Hugh. Private. New
York, 20, laborer; drafted and must. 8/11/1863;
- wounded 5/12/1864 at Spottsylvania,
Va., and 3/25/1865 at Hatcher's Run,
- Va.; disch. 5/24/1865 at
Boston, Mass. as member of Co. A.
- Cahill, James. Private. Boston,
20, varnisher; enl. 9/21/1861, must. 12/13/
- 1861; wounded and missing
8/30/1862 at 2nd Bull Run, Va.; died of wounds
- 9/7/1862 at Centreville,
- Campbell, Michael. Private.
Brookline, 32, laborer; enl. 11/22/1861, must.
- 12/13/1861; wounded 6/16/1862
at James Is., S.C.; promoted Corpl. 9/1/
- 1862; Sergt., 1/1/1863; comm.
2nd Lieut., 12/14/1862, must. 1/1/1863;
- resigned and disch. 2/13/1863
as member of Co. G.
- Campbell, Thomas. Private.
New Bedford, 23, seaman; drafted and must. 8/11/
- 1863; disch. for disability
- Carey, John. Drummer. Boston,
15, drummer; enl. and must. 5/1/1862; disch.
- 11/21/1862 at Falmouth, Va.
Also served in Co. F, 61st Mass. Inf. under
- the name "Thomas Cassidy."
- Carrick, Malachi T. Private.
Northbridge, 24, weaver; drafted and must.
- 8/7/1863; wounded 5/10/1864
at Po River, Va., as Corpl.; deserted from
- Emory Hospl., Washington,
D.C. on 6/28/1864.
- Casey, Michael. Private.
North Bridgewater, 27, laborer; enl. 11/21/1861,
- must. 12/13/1861; wounded
9/1/1862 at Chantilly, Va.; disch. for wounds
- 3/16/1863.
- Cavanaugh, Michael. Private.
Fitchburg, 22, mason; enl. 9/27/1861, must.
- 12/13/1861; wounded 8/30/1862
at 2nd Bull Run, Va.; died of wounds,
- 9/11/1862 at Washington,
- Childs, George. Private.
Philadelphia, Pa., 23, ship carpenter; draft.
- and must. 8/11/1863; dropped
from rolls as a deserter, 5/28/1865, as
- a member of Co. A.
- Christie, James. Private.
Groton, 28, laborer; enl. and must. 12/3/1863;
- made prisoner 8/16/1864 at
Charles City Cross Roads, Va.; paroled
- 11/26/1864; disch. for disability
4/26/1865 at Worcestor, Mass. as a
- member of Co. A.
- Clark, William A. Private.
Portsmouth, N.H., 18, laborer; enl. and must.
- 4/12/1864; killed 5/5/1864
at Wilderness, Va.
- Coakley, Patrick. Private.
Boston, 18, laborer; enl. 11/7/1861, must. 12/13/
- 1861; died of disease, 3/7/1862
at Ft. Columbus, N.Y. Harbor as member
- of Co. H.
- Coffey, John J. Sergeant.
Dorchester, 27, gardener; enl. 9/24/1861, must.
- 12/13/1861; disch. for disability
7/1/1862 at Ft. Columbus, N.Y. Harbor
- as a Private.
- Coffey, Michael J. Sergeant.
Boston, 27, teamster; enl. 9/28/1861, must.
- 12/13/1861; killed 8/30/1862
at 2nd Bull Run, Va.
- Colbert, Michael. Private.
Boston, 19, teamster; enl. and must. 2/8/1864;
- wounded 5/12/1864 at Spottsylvania,
Va.; must. out 6/30/1865 as member
- of Co. A. Also see service
in U.S. Navy.
- Collins, Garrett. Private.
Boston, 28, laborer; enl. and must. 1/14/1862;
- killed 8/30/1862 at 2nd Bull
Run, Va.
- Connellon, William. Private.
Somerville, 38, carpenter; enl. and must. 1/21/
- 1864; wounded 5/18/1864 at
Spottsylvania, Va.; died of wounds 6/12/1864
- at Philadelphia, Pa.
- Connelly, Timothy. Private.
North Bridgewater, 35, laborer; enl. 12/28/1861,
- must. 1/1/1862; disch. 8/29/1862
at Fairfax Seminary Hospl., Va. as
- member of Co. H.
- Connery, Daniel. Sergeant.
East Stoughton, 32, laborer; enl. 9/21/1861,
- must. 12/13/1861; wounded
6/16/1862 at James Island, S.C.; killed 12/13/
- 1862 at Fredericksburg, Va.
- Costellaugh, Thomas. Private.
New York City, 24, laborer; enl. and must.
- 7/22/1864; deserted 10/8/1864
at Petersburg, Va.
- Cravens, William G. Private.
Canada, 21, printer; drafted and must. 8/11/
- 1863; deserted 9/12/1863
at Bealton, Va.
- Crowley, Daniel. Private.
Chelsea, 22, clerk; enl. and must. 3/18/1864;
- must. out 6/30/1865.
- Crowley, Jeremiah. Private.
Boston, 42, laborer; enl. 10/16/1861, must.
- 12/13/1861; disch. for disability
5/30/1862 as member of Co. H.
- Crowley, William. Private.
Boston, 35, laborer; enl. 12/5/1861, must. 12/13/
- 1861; wounded 12/13/1862
at Fredericksburg, Va.; re-enlisted 1/1/1864;
- wounded 5/5/1864 at Wilderness,
Va.; died of wounds, date n.s. as
- member of Co. D.
- Cunningham, Lawrence. Private.
Blackstone, 33, laborer; drafted and must.
- 8/5/1863; must. out 6/14/1865
as member of Co. A.
- Curley, Patrick. Private.
Boston, 31, tailor; enl. and must. 1/30/1864:
- wounded 5/18/1864 at Spottsylvania,
Va.; died of wounds 5/20/1864 at
- Fredericksburg, Va.
- Currivan, Wiliam. Private.
East Stoughton, 30, bootmaker; enl. 10/1/1861,
- must. 12/13/1861; wounded
and missing 8/30/1862 at 2nd Bull Run, Va.;
- disch. for wounds 1/16/1863
at Boston, Mass. Also served in Co. I,
- 56th Mass. Inf.
- Curtis, James. Private. Lowell,
25, clerk; enl. and must. 1/27/1864; wounded
- 5/10/1864 at Po River, Va.;
died of wounds 5/17/1864 at Washington, D.C.
- Cusick, John. Private. Brookline,
25, gardener; drafted and must. 8/12/
- 1863; killed 6/16/1864 at
Petersburg, Va.
- Cusick, William. Private.
Boston, 20, grocer; enl. 10/1/1861, must. 12/16/
- 1861; re-enlisted 1/1/1864;
promoted Corpl. 4/16/1864; must. out 6/30/
- 1865 as Private of Co. A.
- Dailey, James. Private. New
Jersey, 23, laborer; drafted and must. 8/11/
- 1863; deserted 9/4/1863 at
U.S. Ford, Va. Name also borne on roll as
- "James Daley."
- Daley, Dennis. Private. Manchester,
N.H., 34, laborer; enl. and must. 1/6/
- 1865; must. out 6/30/1865.
- Dalton, John. Private. Boston,
35, laborer; enl. and must. 8/26/1862; disch.
- for disability 8/25/1863
at Washington, D.C.
- Davis, John W. Private. Montreal,
Canada, 21, painter; drafted and must.
- 8/10/1863; deserted 11/26/1863
at Germanna Ford, Va.
- Dawson, Anthony E. Private.
Milford, 18, bootmaker; enl. and must. 7/28/
- 1864; killed 3/25/1865 at
Hatcher's Run, Va.
- Deland, Curtis. Private.
Massachusetts, 21, farmer; drafted and must. 7/15/
- 1863; died of disease 4/13/1864
at Annapolis, Md. as a returned prisoner.
- Dockrell, Edward. Private.
Canada, 24, sailor; drafted and must. 8/10/1863;
- deserted 8/30/1863 at Bealton,
- Doherty, John. Private. Boston,
19, watchmaker; enl. and must. 1/1/1862;
- died of disease 3/28/1862
at Hilton Head, S.C.
- Doherty, William. Private.
Boston, 38, laborer; enl. and must. 8/19/1862;
- transf. to V.R.C. 10/14/1863;
must. out 12/23/1864 as of Co. D, 3rd V.R.C.
- Donnelly, Michael J. Corporal.
East Weymouth, 23, teamster; enl. 9/30/1861,
- must. 12/13/1861; killed
8/30/1862 at 2nd Bull Run, Va.
- Donovan, Thomas. Private.
Boston, 35, furrier; enl. 10/28/1861,
- must. 12/13/1861; deserted
1/1/1862 at Ft. Columbus, N.Y.
- Doyle, Daniel. Private. East
Weymouth, 23, puddler; enl. 12/30/1861,
- must. 1/1/1862; disch. for
disability 3/25/1863 at Baltimore, Md.
- Doyle, Michael. Private.
Boston, 25, blacksmith; enl. and must. 2/9/
- 1865; must. out 6/30/1865.
- Drew, Asa. Private. ---,
21, shoemaker; enl. and must. 3/31/1864;
- made prisoner date n.s.;
exchanged 12/17/1864; killed by railroad
- collision 3/7/1865 at Bristol,
Pa. as member of Co. A.
- Driscoll, Jeremiah. Private.
Boston, 43, laborer; enl. 12/10/1861,
- must. 12/13/1861; wounded
6/16/1862 at James Is., S.C. and 12/13/1862
- at Fredericksburg, Va.; disch.
for wounds 2/7/1863 at Falmouth, Va.
- Driver, James. Private. Pennsylvania,
24, engraver; drafted and must.
- 8/10/1863; deserted 9/17/1863
at Radidan, Va.
- Dubois, James. Private. England,
25, drummer; enl. and must. 7/22/
- 1864; must. out 6/30/1865
as member of Co. A.
- Dulligan, Thomas. Private.
Auburn, 21, machinist; drafted and must.
- 8/12/1863; wounded 7/27/1864
at Deep Bottom, Va.; disch. for disability
- 6/27/1865 at Alexandria,
Va. as member of Co. A.
- Dwyer, Edmund. Private. Bridgewater,
27, shoemaker; enl. and must.
- 2/7/1865; must. out 6/30/1865.
- Dwyer, Edward. Private. North
Bridgewater, 25, bookmaker; enl. and
- must. 1/8/1862; wounded 8/30/1862
at 2nd Bull Run, Va. and 7/3/1863 at
- Gettysburg, Pa.; transf.
to V.R.C. 1/19/1864; must. out 1/9/1865 as
- member of 117th Co. 2nd Battln.
- Emerson, William. Private.
Newfoundland, 22, laborer; drafted and
- must. 8/11/1863; prom. to
Corpl. in Sept./Oct. 1863; made prisoner
- 5/23/1864 at Spottsylvania,
Va. and imprisoned at Andersonvill, Ga.
- 5/31/1864; no further record.
True name "William Emerson Gardner."
- English, George. Private.
West Canada, 20, seaman; drafted and must.