Company B
Company B was recruited during
the fall of 1861, with most of its original members coming from
the Boston area. The first Captain of Company B was Lawrence P.
Barrett, a 24-year old actor from Boston. He resigned and was
discharged on August 8, 1862. A total of 239 enlisted men served
in Company B during the three years it was in existence. In a
regiment that was renowned for its hard- fighting reputation,
this company stands out for the significant number of soldiers
who were promoted from the ranks to assume leadership positions.
Altogether, six of the men
of Company B were promoted from the enlisted ranks in recognition
of their meritorious service. By far the most prominent was James
Fleming, a 19-year old upholsterer who enlisted at the formation
of the regiment as 1st Sergeant of this company. He was promoted
to 2nd Lieutenant in August, 1862, and 1st Lieutenant the following
November. After recovering from a wound at Fredericksburg, he
was commissioned Captain at the end of May, 1863. After two months
of hard fighting in the Overland Campaign of 1864, he was commissioned
Major in July. In November, he was commissioned Lieutenant Colonel
and held this position in command of the regiment until being
mustered out on July 19, 1865.
Patrick Bird was an 18-year
old carriage maker who enlisted in January of 1862. In spite of
wounds received at 2nd Bull Run, Fredericksburg, Cold Harbor,
and South Side Rail Road, he refused to leave his regiment. He
was promoted through the ranks to finish his service in June 1865
as Captain of Company A. During the Overland Campaign, Bird for
a time was the highest ranking officer of the regiment still left
in the field, and commanded the unit from early June through July
of 1864. George W. Beatty also enlisted as a Private in January
of 1862. He served in the ranks for two years until being commissioned
from the rank of Sergeant to 2nd Lieutenant in February 1865.
Wounded at Po River and the South Side Railroad, he mustered out
in June 1865 as 2nd Lieutenant of Company D.
There are others who served
the regiment from its founding during the fall of 1861 to the
end of the war that also deserve mention. Patrick McIntire, a
19-year old cabinetmaker, enlisted as a Sergeant at the time the
regiment was first mustered. After a wound at Antietam, he re-enlisted
in February 1864 as 1st Lieutenant. He was subsequently commissioned
Captain in August of that month before suffering a wound at Hatcher's
Run in March, 1865. He mustered out of the regiment as Captain
of Company B in June, 1865. John H. Miner, a 24-year old cloth
printer from Worcester, enlisted as Corporal at the same time
as McIntire. The following November, he was promoted Quarter Master
Sergeant, a position that was filled with many important responsibilities.
After re-enlisting, he was promoted to 1st Lieutenant of Company
E in May, 1864 where he served out the remainder of the war. John
Knight enlisted as a Private at the beginning and was also wounded
at Antietam. After returning to the regiment, he was promoted
to the rank of Sergeant in February, 1864. In July of that year,
he was commissioned 1st Lieutenant before being wounded and captured
at Reams' Station. He was paroled in November, 1864 and returned
to the regiment to finish out the war faithfully as 1st Lieutenant
of Company B.
Also notable is Martin Binney,
who enlisted at the rank of Private in March 1864 after having
served earlier in the 5th Massachusetts (a 3 mos. regiment) and
a full enlistment in the 10th Maine Infantry. He was quickly promoted
to 1st Lieutenant before the end of March, 1864, and subsequently
promoted to the rank of Captain on May 22, 1864. While with the
28th Massachusetts, Binney was wounded three times-- at the Wilderness,
Spottsylvania, and Reams' Station before finally being discharged
as a result of his wounds at the end of 1864 at the rank of Captain.
Total losses for Company B
include 22 men killed or mortally wounded in action, 3 counted
as missing in action, 11 who died by accident or disease, and
6 who died as prisoners of war for a total of 42. This comprises
some 17.5% of the 239 soldiers who served in this company.
Roster of Company B
- Abott, William. Private.
Boston, 21, bookbinder; enl. and
- must. 4/28/1864; no further
- Alden, Joseph. Private. Boston,
42, sailor; enl. and must.
- 3/31/1864; wounded 5/18/1864
at Spottsylvania, Va.; must. out
- 6/30/1865. Also served in
U.S. Navy.
- Allison, Robert. Private.
Boston, 18, gilder; enl. and must.
- 4/27/1864; must. out 6/30/1865.
- Barker, George. Private.
Canada, 33, seaman; drafted and
- must. 8/12/1863; deserted
9/17/1864 at Culpepper, Va.
- Barrett, Lawrence P. Captain.
Boston, 24, actor; comm. 10/8/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; resigned
and disch. to date, 8/8/1862.
- Barrett, Lewis F. Sergeant.
Boston, 19, clerk; enl. 9/28/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; deserted
8/13/1862 at Fredericksburg,
- Va. Also served in Co. A,
24th Mass. Inf.
- Beatty, George W. Private.
Boston, 19, tinsmith; enl. and
- must. 1/6/1862; re-enlisted
1/1/1864 as Sergt.; wounded 6/9/1864
- at Po River, Va. as 1st Sergt.;
comm. 2nd Lieut. 2/24/1865,
- must. 3/15/1865; wounded
4/2/1865 near South Side R.R., Va.;
- must. out 6/30/1865 as 2nd
Lieut. of Co. D.
- Beck, John. Private. Brooklyn,
N.Y., 36, butcher; drafted
- and must. 8/11/1863; captured
9/17/1863 at Rapidan, Va.;
- admitted to hospital, Richmond,
Va. 12/1/1863; confined at
- Andersonville, Ga.; no further
- Behfus, William Private.
New Bedford, 18, laborer; enl.
- 10/12/1861, must. 12/13/1861;
prom. Corpl. 9/1/1863; re-enlisted
- 1/1/1864; deserted 3/31/1864
while on furlough. Later served in
- Co. A, 1st Battln., 14th
U.S. Inf. from 9/7/1864 to 9/27/1867
- under name "Charles
- Bergen, John. Private. New
York City, 21, seaman; drafted
- and must. 8/11/1863; deserted
10/19/1863 at Culpepper, Va.
- Binney, Martin. Private.
Somerville, 33, clerk; enl. and
- must. 3/18/1864; comm. 1st
Lieut. 3/23/1864, must. 4/6/1864;
- wounded 5/6/1864 at Wilderness,
Va.; and 5/12/1864 at
- Spottsylvania, Va.; comm.
and must. to date Captain, 5/22/1864;
- wounded 8/25/1864 at Reams'
Station, Va.; disch. to date 12/19/
- 1864 as Captain. Also served
in Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. (3 mos.),
- and 10th Maine Inf. as "Henry
Martin Binney."
- Bird, Patrick H. Private.
Chelsea, 18, carriage maker; enl.
- and must. 1/10/1862; wounded
8/30/1862 at 2nd Bull Run, Va. as
- Corpl.; and 12/13/1862 at
Fredericksburg, Va. as Sergt.; re-
- enlisted 1/1/1864; comm.
1st Lieut. from Sergt. Major and must.
- to date, 5/22/1864; wounded
6/3/1864 at Cold Harbor, Va.; comm.
- Captain 8/16/1864, must.
to date 10/13/1864; wounded 4/2/1865
- near South Side R.R., Va.;
must. out 6/30/1865 as Captain of
- Co. A.
- 1864,
- Blanchard, Le Roy. Private.
Reading, 19, farmer; drafted and
- must. 7/28/1864; must. out
- Bowen, Francis. Private.
Salem, 34, sailor; drafted and
- must. 7/23/1864; deserted
to the enemy, 12/10/1864; absent in
- arrest 6/3/1865; must. out
to date 7/9/1865.
- Bowen, John. Private. Chelsea,
19, farmer; enl. and must.
- 2/6/1862; wounded 7/3/1863
at Gettysburg, Pa.; transf. to V.R.C.
- by G.O. #104, 3/16/1864;
disch. 1/10/1865 as member of Co. G,
- 6th V.R.C.
- Brabson, William. Private.
Boston, 18, watchmaker; enl.
- 10/25/1861, must. 12/13/1861;
re-enlisted 1/1/1864; made
- prisoner 5/10/1864 at Po
River, Va.; exchanged 12/1/1864; prom.
- Corpl. 5/26/1865; must. out
- Brodigan, Michael. Private.
---, 21, shoemaker; enl. and
- must. 10/26/1862; disch.
for disability, 12/19/1862 at Falmouth,
- Va.
- Brown, George. Private. Boston,
23, sailor; enl. and must.
- 3/12/1864; deserted to the
enemy, 12/10/1864 at Petersburg, Va.
- Buckley, John. Private. Montreal,
Canada, 26, farmer; enl.
- and must. 7/16/1864; in hospl.
10/25/1864 at Readville, Mass.;
- furloughed 11/4/1864; arrested
1/5/1865 and turned over to New
- York authorities; deserted
- Bullard, George H. Private.
Shrewsbury, 30, farmer; enl. and
- must. 3/31/1864; must. out
- Burke, John. Private. Kingston,
Canada, 27, sailor; drafted
- and must. 8/11/1863; made
prisoner 10/14/1863 at Bristoe Station
- Va.; returned to prison quarters
from hospital, 11/8/1864; no
- further record.
- Burns, Matthew. Private.
Boston, 18, laborer; enl. 11/26/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; deserted
12/31/1861 at Camp Cameron,
- Cambridge, Mass.
- Burns, Michael. Private.
Roxbury, 21, shoemaker; enl. and
- must. 3/12/1864; wounded
3/25/1865 at Hatcher's Run, Va.; disch.
- for wounds, 8/28/1865. Also
served in Co. H., 48th Mass. Inf.
- (9 mos.)
- Burns, William. Private.
New York, 21, laborer; drafted and
- must. 8/11/1863; wounded
5/12/1864 at Spottsylvania, Va.;
- furloughed from hospl., 5/27/1864
for 30 days; time expired
- 6/24/1864; failed to return
from furlough; no further record.
- Byrnes, James. Private. Canada,
20, laborer; drafted and
- must. 8/12/1863; deserted
9/17/1863 at Culpepper, Va.
- Byrns, James. Private. New
York, 21, sailor; drafted and
- must. 8/11/1863; must. out
- Calher, Patrick. Private.
Boston, 19, farmer; enl. 12/5/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; deserted
9/14/1862 at South Mountain,
- Md. Name also on rolls as
"Patrick Calhar."
- Cameron, James. Private.
St. Johns, Newfoundland, 23,
- blacksmith; drafted and must.
8/10/1863; wounded June 1864;
- must. out 6/21/1865.
- Campbell, Thomas. Private.
Boston, 33, laborer; enl. and
- must. 3/22/1864; made prisoner
5/5/1864 at Wilderness, Va.;
- paroled 1/22/1865; killed
3/25/1865 at Hatcher's Run, Va.
- Cannon, Martin E. Private.
Raynham, 21, laborer; enl. and
- must. 3/28/1864; wounded
5/5/1864 at Wilderness, Va.; deserted
- from hospital, 7/18/1864
at Philadelphia, Pa.
- Cannon, Thomas. Musician.
Cambridge, 15, laborer; enl. 10/8/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; disch.
for disability 11/21/1862 at
- Falmouth, Va. Also served
in V.R.C.
- Carberry, John. Private.
New York, 27, laborer; drafted and
- must. 8/11/1863; wounded
5/5/1864 at Wilderness, Va.; deserted
- from Emory Genl. Hospital,
Washington, D.C.
- Carey, Patrick. Private.
New Bedford, 25, spinner; enl.
- 10/28/1861, must. 12/13/1861;
deserted 3/28/1863 from hospital
- at Baltimore, Md.
- Carlyss, Ralfred A. Private.
France, 24, artist; drafted and
- must. 8/11/1863; wounded
in 1863; deserted in Feb. 1864 from
- hospital at Washington, D.C.
date not shown.
- Carney, Morris. Private.
Eastport, Me., 18, laborer; enl.
- and must. 1/16/1864; wounded
5/5/1864 at Wilderness, Va.; must.
- out 6/30/1865.
- Carr, John. Private. Pennsylvania,
22, boiler-maker; drafted
- and must. 8/10/1863; deserted
9/16/1863 at Culpepper, Va.
- Carr, Patrick. Private. Boston,
21, laborer; enl. 10/19/1861
- must. 12/30/1861; made prisoner
8/30/1862 at 2nd Bull Run, Va.;
- re-enlisted 1/1/1864; wounded
5/5/1864 at Wilderness, Va.; must.
- out 6/30/1865.
- Carter, William F. Private.
Washington Village, 32, laborer;
- drafted and must. 7/19/1864;
must. out 6/30/1865.
- Casey, Timothy. Private.
South Reading, 32, laborer; enl.
- and must. 10/29/1864; must.
out 6/30/1865.
- Clark, John. Private. West
Canada, 24, joiner; drafted and
- must. 8/10/1863; deserted
9/16/1863 at Culpepper, Va.
- Colburn, Edgar. Private.
Vermont, 27, farmer; drafted and
- must. 8/3/1863; disch. for
disability, 7/27/1864 at Boston.
- Coleman, Albert. Private.
Boston, 21, laborer; enl. 11/4/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; deserted
9/14/1862 at South Mt., Md.
- Coleman, William. Private.
Boston, 44, pressman; enl. 12/12/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; disch.
for disability, 12/4/1862 at
- Falmouth, Va.
- Collins, James. Private.
Boston, 35, spinner; enl. 11/30/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; disch.
for disability, 2/9/1863 at
- Washington, D.C. as Corporal.
- Collopy, Francis. Private.
Burlington, Vt., 21, seaman;
- drafted and must. 8/10/1863;
wounded 6/3/1864 at Cold Harbor,
- Va.; must. out 6/14/1865
as Corporal.
- Conlan, James. Sergeant.
New Bedford, 19, teamster; enl. and
- must. 1/23/1862; re-enlisted
1/1/1864; deserted 4/1/1864 at
- Boston.
- Conley, Timothy. Private.
Boston, 37, laborer; enl. 9/30/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; killed
9/17/1862 at Antietam, Md.
- Connor, John. Private. ---,
23, compositor; drafted and
- must. 8/10/1863; deserted
9/17/1863 at Culpepper, Va.
- Connor, John. Private. Boston,
25, sailor; enl. and must.
- 9/23/1862; died of disease,
11/8/1863 at Washington, D.C.
- Connors, John. Private. New
York, 21, blacksmith; drafted
- and must. 8/10/1863; died
of disease, 7/6/1864 at Washington,
- D.C.
- Connors, Joseph. Wagoner.
Boston, 18, teamster; enl. 10/8/
- 1861, must. 1/6/1862; deserted
6/25/1863. Also served in Co. I,
- 2nd Mass. Inf. as "Joseph
- Connors, Michael. Private.
Boston, 24, blacksmith; drafted
- and must. 8/11/1863; wounded
5/5/1864 at Wilderness, Va.;
- deserted in May, 1864 from
U.S. Genl. Hospital, place not shown.
- Conway, Daniel. Private.
Lexington, 22, laborer; enl. 10/9/
- 1861, must. 12/30/1861; killed
12/13/1862 at Fredericksburg,
- Va.
- Conway, Patrick C. Corporal.
Boston, 28, machinist; enl.
- 10/31/1861, must. 12/13/1861;
wounded 6/16/1862 at James Island,
- S.C.; disch. for wounds,
2/19/1863 at Boston.
- Cook, William H. Private.
Canada, 22, laborer; drafted and
- must. 8/10/1863; deserted
- Corkery, Timothy. Sergeant.
New Bedford, 33, moulder; enl.
- 10/30/1861, must. 12/13/1861;
killed 9/1/1862 at Chantilly, Va.
- Crosby, Calvin N. Private.
Dedham, 18, farmer; drafted and
- must. 8/10/1863; wounded
5/31/1864 near Cold Harbor, Va.; must.
- out 5/18/1865.
- Crowley, Daniel. Private.
Lexington, 32, laborer; enl. 10/9/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; wounded
9/17/1862 at Antietam, Md.;
- killed 12/13/1861 at Fredericksburg,
Va. as Corporal.
- Cummings, Dennis. Private.
Ireland, 25, seaman; drafted and
- must. 8/10/1863; prom. Corporal
9/1/1863; prom. Sergt. 6/1/1864;
- made prisoner 8/25/1864 at
Reams' Station, Va.; exchanged 3/8/
- 1865; must. out 6/2/1865.
- Cushman, Timothy. Private.
Boston, 36, cook; enl. and must.
- 10/31/1862; wounded 5/3/1863
at Chancellorsville, Va.; re-
- enlisted 1/1/1864; wounded
5/5/1864 at Wilderness, Va.; must.
- out 7/17/1865.
- Cusick, John. Corporal. Boston,
24, carpenter; enl. 10/10/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; missing
7/3/1863 at Gettysburg, Va.;
- paroled in 1863; made prisoner
8/25/1864 at Reams' Station, Va.;
- released 3/4/1865; must.
out 4/1/1865.
- Dahill, Peter. Private. Boston,
31, laborer; enl. 10/19/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; disch.
for disability, 12/20/1861.