Company G
Company G was recruited in
the fall of 1861. Although most of the men of this company were
from Boston and Cambridge, a large number were also recruited
from Natickat the time it was formed. The first Captain of Company
G was Alexander Blaney, a 31-year old Boston trader. He led the
regiment until he resigned and was discharged on July 26, 1862.
At the end of 1864, the soldiers of Company G were transferred
to Company E at the time regiment was consolidated into a battalion
of five companies.
Three members of Company G
who enlisted at the time the regiment was formed in 1861 were
commissioned from the ranks. Thomas Cook, a 23-year old Boston
printer enlisted as a Private and was wounded in battle four times.
His steadfast service to his country was finally recognized in
January, 1865, when he was promoted to 2nd Lieutenant. Edward
F. O'Brien, a 28-year old civil engineer, began his service as
1st Sergeant of Company G. In spite of a wound at 2nd Bull Run,
he earned promotion to Sergeant Major in May,1863. By October,
he was commissioned 1st Lieutenant in Company A, where he served
until suffering a severe wound at Cold Harbor that eventually
led to his discharge in October, 1864. Finally, Edwin J. Weller,
a 39-year old artist from Boston, was promoted to 2nd Lieutenant
from Corporal in October, 1862. He subsequently was killed in
battle at Fredericksburg.
A total of 117 enlisted men
served in Company G during the three years of its existence in
the field. Of this number, 19 men were killed in action, 1 was
reported missing in action and presumed killed, 10 died by accident
or disease, and 4 died as prisoners of war for a total of 34 men
(29%). This was the second highest percentage loss for any company
in the regiment.
Roster of Company G
- Alvert, John. Private. Boston,
27, sailor; enl. 10/16/1861,
- must. 12/13/1861; deserted
8/24/1862 at Warrenton, Va.
- Armstrong, James. Private.
Boston, 42, carpenter; enl. 10/10
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; disch.
for disability, 3/6/1863. See
- V.R.C.
- Bailey, Walter S. 2nd Lieutenant.
Lowell, 21, printer; comm.
- 4/6/1863, must. 7/1/1863;
comm. Captain, 7/27/1863, must. 10/3/
- 1863; wounded 5/18/1864 at
Spottsylvania, Va.; disch. 12/8/1864.
- Previous service with Co.
A, 2nd Mass. Inf.
- Banks, John. Private. Prince
Edward Island, Canada, 27,
- laborer; enl. and must. 4/11/1864;
wounded 6/16/1864 at
- Petersburg, Va.; and 3/25/1865
at Hatcher's Run, Va.; disch.
- for wounds, 6/30/1865 as
member of Co. E.
- Barnacle, Peter. Private.
Quincy, 31, shoemaker; enl. and
- must. 1/3/1862; re-enlisted
3/20/1864; wounded 6/3/1864 at Cold
- Harbor, Va.; disch. for disability,
2/15/1865 at Petersburg, Va.
- as member of Co. E.
- Barron, Patrick. Private.
New York City, 22, laborer; enl.
- and must. 3/17/1864; wounded
6/3/1864 at Cold Harbor, Va.;
- disch. for disability, 7/28/1865
at Washington, D.C. as member
- of Co. E.
- Blaney, Alexander. Captain.
Boston, 31, trader; comm. 10/8/
- 1861, must. 1/2/1862; resigned
and disch. to date 7/26/1862.
- Brown, Charles. Private.
Boston, 29, sailor; enl. and must.
- 4/8/1864; deserted 5/4/1864
at Stevensburg, Va.
- Bruches, Stephen. Private.
Utica, N.Y., 34, boatman; enl.
- and must. 7/29/1864; deserted
10/9/1864 at Petersburg, Va.
- Buckteshel, Henry. Private.
Pittsfield, 24, weaver; enl. and
- must. 7/28/1864; prom. Corpl.,
2/4/1865; must. out 6/30/1865 as
- member of Co. e.
- Butler, George. Private.
New York City, 18, cigar maker;
- enl. and must. 4/4/1864;
deserted 5/2/1864 at Stevensburg, Va.
- Cannon, Hugh. Private. Cambridge,
35, stonecutter; enl. and
- must. 12/19/1861; disch.
for disability, 3/26/1863 at Washington
- D.C.
- Carey, William. Private.
Natick, 33, laborer; enl. and must.
- 12/19/1861; killed 6/16/1862
at James Island, S.C.
- Caswell, Andrew. Private.
Boston, 26, laborer; enl. and
- must. 12/13/1861; wounded
9/1/1862 at Chantilly, Va.; disch. for
- wounds, 11/10/1862.
- Caswell, John. Private. Cambridge,
33, hostler; enl. 12/17/
- 1861; wounded 7/3/1863 at
Gettysburg, Pa.; died of wounds, 7/29/
- 1863 at Gettysburg, Pa.
- Caswell, Newell. Private.
Dover, N.H., 21, farmer; enl. and
- must. 3/25/1864; prom. Corpl.,
2/4/1865; prom. Sergt., 6/10/1865;
- must. out 6/30/1865 as member
of Co. E.
- Cook, Thomas. Private. Boston,
23, printer; enl. and must.
- 1/23/1862; wounded 12/13/1862
at Fredericksburg, Va.; and 7/3/
- 1863 at Gettysburg, Pa. as
Corpl.; re-enlisted 3/20/1864 as
- Sergt.; wounded 5/18/1864
at Spottsylvania, Va.; and 8/14/1864
- at Deep Bottom, Va.; comm.
2nd Lieut., 1/14/1865, must. 2/2/
- 1865; comm. 1st Lieut., 4/26/1865,
not must.; must. out 6/30/
- 1865 as 2nd Lieut. of Co.
- Coughlin, George L. Private.
Cambridge, 40, stonecutter;
- enl. and must. 12/13/1861;
prom. Corpl., Jan. or Feb., 1862;
- prom. Sergt., 8/1/1862; disch.
for disability, 1/2/1863 at
- Falmouth, Va.
- Coughlin, John. Private.
Boston, 29 or 42, laborer; enl.
- 11/16/1861, must. 12/13/1861;;
absent sick 6/29/1863; no further
- record.
- Crowley, Bartholomew. Private.
Boston, 25, laborer; enl.
- 11/5/1861, must. 12/13/1861;
deserted 2/10/1862 at Fort Columbus
- N.Y. Harbor.
- Davis, Robert. Private. Boston,
21, carpenter; enl. and must.
- 3/28/1864; killed 5/5/1864
at Wilderness, Va.
- Devine, James. 2nd Lieutenant.
Boston, 44, trader; comm. 10/8/
- 1861, must. 1/2/1862; resigned
and disch. to date 3/26/1862.
- Doherty, John. Private. Boston,
32, laborer; enl. 10/9/1861,
- must. 12/13/1861; captured
7/3/1863 at Gettysburg, Pa.; paroled
- Oct., 1863; killed 8/14/1864
at Deep Bottom, Va.
- Dooley, Morris. Private.
Lawrence, 42, laborer; enl. 11/16/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; disch.
for disability, 10/9/1862 at
- Newark, N.J.
- Downes, Matthew. Private.
New York City, 24, laborer; enl. and
- must. 3/17/1864; furloughed
11/4/1864 from hopspital at City
- Point, Va.; no further record.
- Duggan, Thomas. Sergeant.
Natick, 22, shoemaker; enl. 10/1/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; prom.
1st Sergt., 3/1/1863; re-enlisted
- 3/20/1864; deserted while
on furlough, 5/31/1864.
- Dwight, Charles C. Private.
Belchertown, 28, mechanic; enl.
- 10/21/1861, must. 12/13/1861;
killed 6/16/1862 at James Island,
- S.C. as Corporal.
- Eagan, John. Private. Boston,
25, barber; enl. and must. 12/30
- 1861; deserted 1/1/1862 at
- Eames, Francis. Private.
Cambridge, 44, harness maker; enl.
- 11/12/1861, must. 12/13/1861;
disch. for disability, 9/26/1862
- at New York.
- Elliot, Samuel. Private.
Plymouth, 42, laborer; enl. 10/29/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; disch.
for disability, 2/7/1862 at Fort
- Columbus, N.Y. Harbor.
- Farrell, John. Private. Boston,
18, plumber; enl. and must.
- 12/13/1861; disch. for disability,
1/2/1863 at Falmouth, Va.; see
- V.R.C.
- Fay, Stephen. Private. Fitchburg,
27, laborer; enl. 9/29/1861,
- must. 12/13/1861; wounded
5/3/1863 at Chancellorsville, Va.;
- transf. to V.R.C., 6/9/1863;
re-enlisted 4/5/1864; must. out 11/18
- 1865 as member of Co. D,
9th V.R.C.
- Finn, James A. Private. Boston,
18, laborer; enl. 10/14/1861,
- must. 12/13/1861; wounded
12/13/1862 at Fredericksburg, Va.; prom.
- Corpl., 1/1/1863; prom. Sergt.,
3/1/1864; killed 5/5/1864 at
- Wilderness, Va.
- Fitzpatrick, Edward. Sergeant.
Boston, 26, bootmaker; enl.
- 9/25/1861, must. 12/13/1861;
wounded 6/16/1862 at James Island,
- S.C.; deserted 10/1/1862;
arrested 10/4/1862; sent to Washington,
- D.C., 12/4/1862; no further
- Fitzpatrick, John. Private.
Charlestown, 26, laborer; enl.
- 11/8/1861, must. 12/13/1861;
wounded and captured 12/13/1862 at
- Fredericksburg, Va. as Corpl.;
paroled in 1863; re-enlisted
- 3/20/1864; missing 6/16/1864
at Petersburg, Va. as Sergt.; no
- further record.
- Fraser, Henry. Private. Boston,
37, shoemaker; enl. and must.
- 3/8/1864; wounded 6/16/1864
at Petersburg, Va. as Corpl.; and
- 3/25/1865 at Hatcher's Run,
Va. as Color Sergt.; must. out 5/30/
- 1865 per telegram from War
Dept. for wounds as member of Co. E.
- Frizzell, William H. Private.
Boston, 34, carpenter; enl.
- 12/21/1861, must. 12/30/1861;
wounded 9/1/1862 at Chantilly, Va.;
- prom. Corpl., 1/1/1863; re-enlisted
2/23/1864; deserted 4/20/
- 1864 while on furlough.
- Galvin, John. Private. Boston,
21, cooper; enl. and must. 3/8/
- 1864; wounded 5/18/1864 at
Spottsylvania, Va.; missing 8/25/1864
- at Reams' Station, Va.; gained
4/25/1865; must. out 6/30/1865 as
- member of Co. E.
- Gately, Andrew. Musician.
Boston, 17, laborer; enl. 10/19/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; re-enlisted
3/20/1864; must. out 7/22/
- 1865 as member of Co. E.
- Gilfoy, Francis. Private.
Boston, 20, shoemaker; enl. and
- must. 3/18/1864; killed 8/14/1864
at Deep Bottom, Va.
- Green, Charles. Private.
Boston, 21, laborer; enl. and must.
- 3/21/1864; reported transf.
from hospital at Washington, D.C.,
- 5/30/1864; no further record.
- Grove, George. Private. Boston,
36, mariner; enl. and must.
- 8/27/1862; wounded 12/13/1862
at Fredericksburg, Va.; disch. for
- disability, 3/10/1863 at
Washington, D.C.
- Haller, Marx. Private. Roxbury,
18, farmer; enl. and must.
- 3/15/1864; deserted 5/11/1864
at Spottsylvania, Va.; dropped from
- the rolls as a deserter,
- Hanlon, Peter. Private. Cambridge,
28, painter; enl. and must.
- 12/31/1861; wounded 8/30/1862
at 2nd Bull Run, Va.; transf. to
- V.R.C., date not shown; must.
out 12/31/1864 as member of 72nd
- Co. 2nd Battln., V.R.C.
- Hannaway, Thomas. Private.
Boston, 38, laborer; enl. and must.
- 4/11/1864; wounded 5/5/1864
at Wilderness, Va.; transf. to V.R.C.
- date not shown; must. out
8/2/1865 as member of Co. H, 14th V.R.C.
- Harkins, John. Private. Hannibal,
Me., 34, laborer; enl. and
- must. 3/23/1864; wounded
5/6/1864 at Wilderness, Va. as Corpl.;
- deserted 8/23/1864 as member
of Co. E.
- Harney, John. Private. Boston,
28, laborer; enl. and must.
- 3/19/1864; deserted while
on furlough, 12/3/1864 as member of Co.
- E.
- Hart, Jeremiah. Musician.
Lawrence, 18, laborer; enl. 10/10/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; must.
out 12/19/1864.
- Hart, John. Private. Schoharie,
N.Y., 22, laborer; enl. and
- must. 3/18/1864; captured
6/1/1864 near Cold Harbor, Va.; died of
- disease a prisoner of war,
7/18/1864 at Andersonville, Ga.
- Hart, Michael. Private. Lawrence,
40, laborer; enl. 10/18/1861
- must. 12/13/1861; transf.
to V.R.C., date not shown; disch. for
- disability, 12/26/1863 as
member of Co. H, 3rd V.R.C.
- Hayward, Charles W.L. Private.
Weymouth, 19, laborer; enl. and
- must. 11/4/1862; prom. Corpl.
in 1863; wounded 5/31/1864 near Cold
- Harbor, Va.; captured 6/2/1864
at Cold Harbor, Va.; released 4/28/
- 1865; must. out 7/6/1865.
- Head, James. Private. Boston,
23, laborer; enl. and must.
- 12/30/1861; wounded 6/3/1864
at Cold Harbor, Va.; captured, date
- not shown; exchanged 3/12/1865;
must. out 4/6/1865.
- Heedy, Morris. Private. Charlestown,
45, laborer; enl. 10/12/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; disch.
for disability, 12/4/1862 at
- Falmouth, Va.
- Hill, John. Private. Boston,
34, clerk; enl. 10/8/1861, must.
- 12/13/1861; wounded 8/30/1862
at 2nd Bull Run, Va.; disch. for
- disability, 3/22/1863 at
Falmouth, Va. as Corporal.
- Hoar, Michael. Private. Boston,
37, laborer; enl. 11/2/1861,
- must. 12/13/1861; drowned
7/12/1862 at Hilton Head, S.C.
- Hoben, Patrick. Private.
Boston, 24, teamster; enl. 12/7/1861
- must. 12/13/1861; killed
8/30/1862 at 2nd Bull Run, Va.
- Hoey, Lawrence G. Private.
Natick, 19, sailor; enl. and must.
- 12/22/1863; missing 8/25/1864
at Reams' Station, Va.; died a
- prisoner of war, 1/22/1865
at Salisbury, N.C.
- Houghton, Edward. Private.
Boston, 38, trader; enl. 9/25/1861,
- must. 12/13/1861; wounded
9/17/1862 at Antietam, Md.; disch. for
- disability, 5/15/1863. See
- Hughes, Patrick. Private.
Boston, 18, teamster; enl. 11/5/1861
- must. 12/13/1861; wounded
8/30/1862 at 2nd Bull Run, Va.; must.
- out 12/19/1864.
- Hummel, Peter. Private. Boston,
34, blacksmith; enl. 10/15/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; re-enlisted
1/1/1864; killed 5/18/1864 at
- Spottsylvania, Va.
- Hurley, James P. Private.
Boston, 34, laborer; enl. 10/8/
- 1861, must. 12/13/1861; disch.
for disability, 8/29/1862. Later
- served in Co. I, 47th Mass.
Inf. (9 mos.); and V.R.C.